Chapter 15 : VS.

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3rd Person P.O.V

After a couple of students were sucked into the mist and the guy stopped, the vines that's anchoring the few students left let go of their legs as if knowing that the mist guy stopped. "Where is everyone?! Can we confirm their location?!" Iida, our class President asked worriedly. "They're all scattered but they're all in the facility." Shoji answered the question. At least that's one mystery wrapped up. "Physical attacks are no good. He just warped away! This guy's Quirk is too tough to handle!" Sero added. "Class President!" Thirteen called, getting ready to give Iida some instructions. "Your job... Is to run back to the school and report on what's happening. The alarms haven't sounded and the phones aren't working. The alarm uses infra-red tech... The fact that it hasn't activated even though senpai, that is Eraser Head, is down there nullifying Quirk means that, whoever is interfering with the system... Has hidden themselves well. That being the case, you going back is our best option!" Thirteen asked of him. "A class president can't very well abandon his class!" Iida disagreed while being shoved by Sato. "She said go! Out the emergency exit! There are alarms on the outside which means that these guys must only be causing trouble in here!" Sato exclaimed. "So, if you make it out, they can't follow you! Shake off that mist man with that speed of yours!" Sero added. "Please, use that Quirk of yours to save us all!" Thirteen asked him again. "Just like in the cafeteria! We can provide all the support you need and we will! C'mon class President! Remember why (Y/n) voted for you!" Uraraka said, motivating him. 'Responsible, put others before himself, always make the decision that's good for the entire group...' He remembered what (Y/n) said to him. "Do it!"

"Aside from the fact that you have no hope... What sort of fool discusses strategy in earshot of the enemy." The mist guy mocked. "It hardly matters if you overheard. You can't stop us!!" Thirteen said using her Quirk.

- Somewhere else -

"How can we possibly fight you dumbass! These guys might even be tough enough to kill All Might! You're contradicting yourself Midoriya! Out only hope is to hide somewhere until the U.A heroes come to rescue us!" A purple kid yelled, scared outta his mind. There's not a single faith in him that they can win this fight. "Mineta. Those guys down there... They're clearly suited for aquatic combat right?" Midoriya pointed out looking at the villains who was in the water. "Stop ignoring my point!" Mineta yelled. "So the ringleader must have recruited their team knowing about USJ's different environment's." Tsuyu commented. "Exactly! Their Intel told them that much at least! But with all their careful planning, one odd point sticks out. They zapped you, Asu- err I mean Tsuyu, to the flood zone!" He pauses and wait for a reaction. "Take your time then." "What's your point already?!!" Yeah, he didn't get any. "Oh... Okay, right. What I'm saying is they must not know about our quirks." Izuku continued and Tsuyu realizes it. "If they'd known about me having frog powers, they'd have dumped me into fiery area." Tsuyu said. "That's exactly because they don't know about our Quirks... That their strategy was to scatter us and overwhelm us with numbers. They've got is beat when it comes to numbers and experience. So there's only one way for us to win. Exploit the facts that they don't know about our Quirks!! Look! They're not trying to get on board! That supports my theory!" Izuku finishes his hypothesis. 'That also means that they're not underestimating us. And so, they teid to come up with a plan that would let them live to see another day.

"I can jump really high and stick to walls. My tongue can stretch to a maximum of 20 meters. Also, I can spit up my stomach and clean it and secrete a poisonous fluid... I say poisonous but it really just stings a little." Tsuyu explained her Quirk. Hearing the word secrete, Mineta started thinking about unnecessary things. "Those last two aren't that useful. Just forget about them." She said. "Wow, you're strong... I underestimated you..." Izuku commented after hearing her Quirk. "I have super strength but immediately after using it, it messes me up. My Quirk is a double-edged sword." Izuku explained his Quirk. And then it was Mineta's turn to explain his. He started by taking a ball from his head and sticking it to the wall. "It's really sticky. If I'm feeling good, it'll stick there all day. A new one'll grow in the old one's place. But if take too many I'll start bleeding. They'll bounce of my body without sticking to me." He ended his short explanation and was met with silence and stares. "Like I said! We just gotta wait to be rescued! My Quirk is terrible for fighting multiple opponents!" He yelled out, panicking once more. "Not all all! It's a great Quirk! We just have to think how to make use of it!" Izuku tried to calm him down.

Suddenly, a huge amount of water slashed the boat they were in, in half. "I'm getting bored over here! Let's end this thing!" One of the villain taunt them. "So strong! He split the board in two!" Tsuyu said while Izuku is holding her and preventing her from falling. Panicking, Mineta started throwing his balls into the water. "Why'd you panic?! Darn. Now the enemy knows your Quirk!" Izuku said while Mineta was ugly sobbing. Izuku looked back at the villains. 'They're on guard. They won't touch them?' He thought, referring to the sticky balls. "That boat'll go under in less than a minute. Once you're in the water you're chum." One of the villains taunt again. "Aaah! He's right!" Mineta screamed and stumbling backwards. "Mineta, did you really come to U.A to become a hero." Tsuyu asked after seeing how cowardly Mineta acted. "Shaddup! You're crazy for not being scared. We were just freaking middle school kids a couple months ago! I'd never thought we'd be in a life-or-death situation so soon! I just wished I could've gotten to grope Yaoyorozu's boob-orozous before I died!" He exclaimed. "The moment the enemy thinks they've won, represents your best chance. "All Might once said that during a documentary interview." Izuku suddenly said, ignoring whatever the hell just come out of Mineta's mouth. "What're you..." Mineta asked in confusion and without explaining anything, Izuku said. "This is... The only way we can win." While shaking.

"Hear that little guy whining? What a bunch of babies." One og the villains chuckled out. "Hey, Shigaraki said not to get careless here. Their age isn't what matters. We judge them by their quirks clearly." Another villain reminded him. "Out quirks have the advantage in the water." He cockily replied. Suddenly, they saw Izuku in the edge of the ship, looking like he's about to jump. "Go to he'll!!" Izuku yell and jumped. Then he readied himself to flick his finger. 'No matter how big a smash I could pull off. They've got us surrounded. So I can't hit them all. Even if we somehow make it out of the flood zone, there're more villains to worry about. Can't sacrifice my whole arm.' He thought to himself and flicked his finger, creating a wind force and it hit the water. "Tsuyu! Mineta!" Izuku yelled and Tsuyu jumped to pick him up. Mineta out of frustration, throw his balls into the water. From under them, the villains are being forced to stick in the middle of the water thanks to Izuku and Mineta. "They're all washed up. Looks like we beat our first challenge. Or something. Good job, you two." Tsuyu congratulate them.


A/n - Yeah, not much about (Y/n) today huh?


Somewhere, in the conflagration zone...

(Y/n), who was pinning someone down and threatening to break someone's bone suddenly felt her heart vibrate, a chill went down her spine and her stomach's doing backflips. 'My friend sensors is tingling. Did someone get hurt?' She thought to herself, worrying even more than before. 'I swear to God if Izuku-kun just broke his bone again...' She thought to herself and demanding answers from the villain she's pinning down.


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