Chapter 3: my night and armor

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"Since your mother is in the hospital your going to have to stay with your father" the doctor said

"I am old enough to stay alone in my house!" I said yelling in his face

My anger grew fast..

"Well the law states you have to stay with your father until your mother is heathy"

"I am not fucking staying with that man!" I said pissed off

"You need to calm down!"

I stormed off and left the hospital, I got into the car and drove off

2 days later

"Hey bitch why can't your fucking mom die already" said Jenna

I looked up and saw Jenna

"Just leave me alone Jenna! Please not today!" I said already pissed off enough

I fell back in my chair.. Shit my ankle! I can't feel it!!!!!

Jenna just pushed me.. And the teacher happened to not be in the room!

I looked at my ankle and saw a bone sticking out...

"Shit!" I screamed!


I woke up and I was being carried, I couldn't see who was carrying me because my eyes where blurry


I woke up, I looked around and I was in the hospital

The doctor walked in

"Hello miss faith!"

"Hi" I said

"What happened?" I asked

"A boy carried you in"

"Who" I asked

"He didn't tell me his name"


I wonder who carried me! What if there like my knight and armor!

"Anyway you broke your ankle and your father is co-"

I cut her off by saying "he isn't my father"

"According to the papers he is" you two are blood related" she said

"We may be blood related, but I am not his daughter and he is not my father!" I said

She didn't say anything but she nodded

"I understand" she said as she was taking my blood pressure

"How would you understand"

She looked up from taking my blood pressure

"My father left me when I was 10, and then came back when I was 17" she said

"Oh, sorry" I said feeling guilty

"My dad left me when I was 7 and then he just now came back when I am 18" I said

"Oh" she said

"Well your blood pressure is good!" She said trying to brighten up the mood

I nodded

3 hours later

"She broke her ankle at school, a boy came in and dropped her off" I could hear the doctor say outside the door while I was on my phone looking at twitter

"What boy dropped her off?" Jack said (jack is my father)

"Well I wasn't supposed to tell her because he said but, his name is Austin..

I dropped my phone..

Why the hell would Austin carry me in?! He doesn't even like me? Does he?

The door opened, jack came in

"Hey" he said

I looked up at him and then grabbed my phone and started to play a game

"So um I fixed up your room" jack said

I didn't budge

I have already moved in his house, it's old looking and it smells like shit

"Uh I have to go check up on your mother so be right back"

"Leave her alone" I said

He looked at me

He sat back down

"Why don't you try to get some rest" jack said

"Why would you care, you didn't care about me earlier so why care now?" I said looking at him

"I am different now" he said

"If your different, why didn't you call! Or text me! Or even send mail!!" I screamed at him

Chloe came in and ran straight toward me and gave me a hug

"Can you tell him to get out please" I whispered in Chloe's ear

She nodded

We broke apart and she looked at him and said

"Get out"

He nodded and left

We talked for about an hour and she was very confused that Austin carried me here

"Is he like your night and armor!" She said

I laughed

"What! He could be" she said

"Maybe" I said

After we talked for an hour Chloe left

Hmm, does Austin like me? Or was he just trying to be nice? Or wait maybe someone told him to get me and bring me to the hospital!

As I was thinking about Austin I slowly started to fall asleep

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