Chapter 1

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The next morning I crawled out of my bed. I was still a little sore from the previous night. Thinking about it made me contemplate crying, but I was too happy to be seeing Rah! I had to wake my six year old brother James and take him to his friend's Anthony's house. We both hated Lance and we got out on weekends as much as possible. I walked into James's messy room. After struggling for a second, James got up.

"Damn, Tracey, it's only 10 o'clock!" My slick mouth little brother spoke. I smacked him in the head.

"Stop cursing! And get up, I got stuff to do today and if we don't leave now, I'm making you stay here with Lance!" That made him jump up. He rushed to the bathroom to get ready. I smiled at the thought of him, he looked just like our daddy. Our father was a Navy Seal who'd died soon after James was born. Our mom got the check every month, but we never saw the money, she spent money on making sure she looked good, while James and I got clothes maybe once every two years. I sighed just thinking about how much she'd changed since Daddy left. She had gained a lot of weight and Lance's no job having ass was the only one who wanted her. I always vowed that I would never put a man above my kids, no matter how ugly I got.

Lance beat on my brother and fondled me on a regular basis. I'd seen how James got beat on for trying to tell Mama that Lance punched him in the face, I could only imagine what she'd do to me.

I walked into the bathroom once James exited and started brushing my hair. It was a nappy mess, I barely ever got it done. Kim's sister Kita was an aspiring hair dresser and she practiced on us sometimes. But that was the only time my hair ever got any love. I stared in the mirror at my caramel skin and pouty lips. While my chest was flat as a board, my backside was not to be played with. I don't think people noticed my assets much, my high-water pants and dingy shirts were all but attractive.

I decided to throw on some old jean shorts and a white V-neck with some flip-flops. It was really the best I could do. After glancing at myself once more, I grabbed James from his room.

"Mama, me and James gone for the weekend." I went downstairs and told her. She was on the couch smoking a cigarette as Lance laid in her lap. Her hair was in a nice quick-weave and her nails were perfectly manicured. I rolled my eyes, she could've looked out for me and James with that money.

"Oh, what y'all standing there for, I ain't got no money." She spoke bluntly.

"Naw, I thought you wanted to know what we were doing or where we were going."

"Nahh, I'm happy y'all muthafuckas is gettin' outta my face. Deuces!" She said. Lance laughed. I rolled my eyes and stalked out of the house.


After dropping James at Anthony's place, I caught the bus to Kim's house. Kim was my ride-or-die. When people talked about me, she'd be the first one jumping down their throat. When I didn't have clothes, she gave me some. I loved her so much.

I knocked on the door twice, when Kim came out smiling. She was light skinned, and about 5'3. Her sister had done her weave a week earlier and it was still kinda fresh. I smiled back at her. We hugged briefly.

"Hey Baby! I been waiting, we gotta get you ready for Rah!" She screamed. I quickly covered her mouth, I'd seen her sister Kita's car outside. I walked in and saw her mom, Cocoa, on the couch. She was a really cool lady that smoked weed on a daily. She pretty much let Kim and KIta do whatever and that's why they were both fast as ever.

"Wassup ?" Cocoa greeted me.

"Not a thang, Cocoa, what's up wit you?" I asked her.

"Girl, feelin' the breeze, smokin' some trees." Cocoa responded. I started cracking up and so did Kim as we walked into her room.

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