Chapter 2

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The bell rings, signaling that it's time for lunch. I take a deep breath and put on my normal bright smile, heading to the door with the rest of the squad.

Someone lightly tugs on my shirt from behind me. I turn back to see Bakugou standing behind me with a... shy look on his face.

"Can I talk to you Kirishima?" he asks me quietly. Oh shit. This is probably going to have to do with me being late, or me screaming at 4 am, or me looking dead, or just something about my mental health that I really don't need to hear right now.

But I still put on an even brighter smile and say, "Yeah, of course!" I tell the rest of the squad that Bakugou and I are going to hang back for a bit, and that they can go ahead without us.

We wait till everyone leaves the classroom and I start to get more and more paranoid about the conversation to come. I really don't want to talk about my mental health, especially not with Bakugou.

Once everyone leaves, I turn to face him and ask, "So what did you wanna talk to me about, bro?"

At the word bro, his eyes drop to the floor and he takes a deep breath, looking like he's trying to compose himself.

He looks back up to me and looks straight into my eyes with a look of both determination and fear.

"I.. uh.. Well I just wanted to say that.. That- I.. wanted to ask... or umm... FUCK! Never mind! Just... forget it.." he looks down again and pushes past me, running to the door.

"Wait Bakugou!" I yell and run after him, but he's already gone. I'll probably just see him at the lunch table and can make sure he's ok then. What did he want to talk to me about?

I go to the lunch room and expect Bakugou to be sitting at our table like normal, insulting our friends or something, but he isn't there. And when I go to the lunch line to get my food, he isn't there either.

I frown and walk to our table, sitting with everyone else.

I don't normally eat very much. I might eat about a fourth of my lunch, but that's it. I also don't eat breakfast. It isn't manly at all, but something tells me that that's the amount I should be eating. Even if it isn't super healthy.

"Where's Bakugou?" Kaminari asks me.

"I don't know... He was going to tell me something, but then he said to forget it and he ran off... I thought he'd be in here but he isn't" I answer.

They all look to each other in worry, but continue eating.

~ Time Skip ~

Bakugou didn't end up coming to lunch, but I saw him in class afterward. He ignored me all day. I don't know what I did... I really hope I didn't do anything wrong.

Right now I'm sitting in the common room with the rest of the squad after dinner. Bakugou is staying as far as he can away from me. He's acting like I'm infected with some contagious disease. I frown slightly, but then remember that I'm around other people and I'm not allowed to show negative feelings. So I go back to smiling.

"Soooo..." I start, "What do you guys think we'll do for our game night?"

"Well I hope we'd get to play party games! We haven't done that in a while!" Mina answered.

I nod along, maybe I can get Bakugou to tell me what he was going to say at lunch today!

About 20 minutes later, Iida gathers everyone in the common room and asks if anyone has any suggestions on what we should do.

Mina is the only person to raise her hand. "I think we should play party games! It's been a while since we have!" she says cheerfully.

Everyone agrees, or is indifferent on what we do, so we gather in a circle. Kaminari sits to the right of me, Sero to the right of him, and Mina on the other side of me. Bakugou sits across and a little to the left of me, avoiding eye contact even when I try to look at him. He is next to Jirou and Uraraka.

"He hasn't even looked at me all day," I whisper to Mina. She just sighs and shakes her head.

"Ok! Let us play a classic game of Truth or Dare!" Iida announces while sitting down next to Uraraka.

We agree to play a sort of mash up game of truth or dare and spin the bottle, so that it's fair and people don't only ask the same person a question over and over again. So you have to spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on gets asked the truth or dare, once they complete their truth or dare, they spin the bottle and so on. We also decided, to make it more fair, that if you don't want to do a dare or answer a truth, then you have to eat a spoonful of hot sauce.

I'll cut the boring stuff. It's my turn and I spin the bottle. It lands on Bakugou. Now's my chance to get him to say what he was going to say at lunch.

He keeps staring at the bottle and doesn't look up at me when I ask, "Truth or Dare Bakugou"

He contemplates it, and answers while still staring at the bottle, "Dare.."

I smirk. I know exactly what I'm going to say.

"I dare you to go in that closet with me," I start. His eyes shoot up and look straight into mine for the first time today. He looks both angry and terrified. "And tell me exactly what you were going to tell me at lunch."

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