Chapter 3

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He keeps staring at the bottle and doesn't look up at me when I ask, "Truth or Dare Bakugou"

He contemplates it, and answers while still staring at the bottle, "Dare.."

I smirk. I know exactly what I'm going to say.

"I dare you to go in that closet with me," I start. His eyes shoot up and look straight into mine for the first time today. He looks both angry and terrified. "And tell me exactly what you were going to tell me at lunch."


He stares in shock, his mouth slightly agape.

I know it isn't manly at all, and I should just let him keep this to himself, but I really want to make sure he's ok. "Or, of course, you could surrender and eat the hot sauce. There's nothing wrong with backing down and losing like that. I understand."

I really feel horrible for doing this to him, but there's no other way.

He glares at me and gets up, walking over to me and practically dragging me into the storage closet.

He slams the door and turns on the light that hangs above us in this musty room.

"What the fuck! I told you to just forget about it!" he yells.

"I'm sorry! I just needed to make sure it wasn't anything serious! You've been ignoring me all day and I was starting to get worried! Now... spill it... or don't if you really don't want to, but I'm really worried here Bakugou!"

He looks down and backs as far away from me as he can in the tiny room. "Please don't think of me any differently after this. I'm not soft, and you can't start assuming things after, ok?!" I nod. He takes a deep breath and it looks like he's having a mental battle over whether to actually tell me or to just run out the door. "Kirishima.... I-I.. uhm... like...... you," he says. Now that's not at all what I was thinking he was going to say.

"Oh... I didn't.. I didn't know you were.. Gay," I start. His face turns sad when I say that and he begins to walk to the door. "No it's not like that! I'm gay too... and.. Uh... you're really hot..." I say, stopping him from getting to the door by putting my hand on his waist. I've liked him for a while now, I just never thought that he'd be into me, or even be gay.

He turns and stares at me, walking a little closer. "Well... well will you.. Go out with me, hair for brains?" he asks shyly. He's really cute when he acts all shy.

I chuckle lowly. It sounded more seductive than I had originally planned, but his blush was worth it. My other hand makes its way to his other hip and pulls him closer to me, so that we're almost touching. I smirk at his slightly shy state.

"In what world would I say no?" I ask then look him up and down, biting my lip. He turns his head, trying to hide his blush, and pulls himself out of my grasp.

"Then we're dating now shit head... stop fucking flustering me!" he says as he opens the door, slightly confusing the people out there. His face is bright red and mine has a tinge of a blush too. I chuckle while stepping out, and Mina makes eye contact with me. She raises an eyebrow and I just laugh.

Throughout the rest of the game, Bakugou could not stop staring at me. It was like he was making up for the time that he spent not looking at me today. It was honestly really cute, because his blush would never fade.

It was about 10 pm when Iida said we should all head to bed. Bakugou looked really tired. Seeing him all sleepy was really cute.

Everyone made their ways to their respective rooms and bid everyone goodnight. I did my normal nightly routine of slitting my wrists and thighs a few times, cleaning them, brushing my teeth, putting on PJs, and finally laying down on my bed. I'm going to actually try to sleep tonight.

~ Time Skip ~

And sleep I did. Really soundly actually. You know, until I was rudely awoken at 2 am by someone knocking at my door. I groan and make sure I'm wearing long sleeves and long pants, then go to open the door.

When I open it I see a very tired, and very annoyed Bakugou. I stare at him confused for a second, then ask him, "What's wrong?"

"What do you think is," he yawns adorably, "wrong, dumbass."

I try not to laugh at his yawn. "Couldn't sleep?"


"What exactly do you want me to do about that? I don't have some sort of a sleeping quirk," I say tiredly.

".....can we...uh..." He opens his arms, "...cuddle?"

I smile and let him into my room. He stands there awkwardly as I close the door and go back over to my bed.

He looks at me wearily and just continues to stand there. I smile and scoot over, leaving some room on the other side of the bed.

"C'mon over, I don't bite!" I say tiredly. He slowly walks over and lays down next to me. I open my arms to him. "You wanted to cuddle right? You can lay your head on my chest,"

He grumbles something about this not making him weak, and quickly moves so his whole body is flush against mine, and his head is laying on my chest. My arms wrap around his waist and I feel his body relax before going limp. He fell asleep. That's so cute!

I smile and close my eyes, not before placing a soft kiss to the top of his head, and fall fast asleep again. 

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