Arcade Girl Part 2

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You were in such a rush. Your train was delayed and you wondered if you would even make it here before the place closed. Thankfully, you looked up it's website and discovered that it doesn't close until way early in the morning.

You tried to also make sure you were covered up enough, in case anyone who could recognize you, or what you were doing, was nearby. GRC was your alter ego; They were your other self. If no one knew about it, then you could keep it up for as long as you want.

Not a lot of your friends or family liked your interests. Gaming and other pop culture things you enjoyed were considered taboo for your social status. The only daughter of the [Last Name] family liking something meant for immature, disgusting men and women? It was considered disgraceful.

Yep, the closest people towards you were very old school and strange in that sense. At least they supported the LGBTQ+ community and was against racism. When you think about it, you were grateful they were like that. You just wished they were as equally open minded to your interests.

The [Last Name] family had a multitude of millions. Members of the family were respected doctors, lawyers, and politicians.

Then there's you.

None of that was really your thing. You didn't like the idea of working with sick people. You couldn't help people who were clearly guilty. And you also weren't ready to take a position where you'd be in charge of a whole group of people. The only thing you knew you wanted to do was play video games and make videos. That's it.

It's so much easier, yet more difficult, than what your family expected from you. The only lives at stake were fictional ones. You could choose whether or not to take a case. And no one could care if you were a corrupted leader. Combos were easy to memorize. Finding new Easter eggs helped you beat the game. Plus your aim had to be on point, which it always was.

Gaming came naturally to you. Hiding it from your family was not. They always tried to get rid off your stuff. It's a miracle that they still fall for your puppy eyes. In the end, they let you have your hobby as long as you would uphold your family's name. Around that time, you wanted to spite them. So you started streaming under the name "GRC".

Your streams somehow became the talk among the gaming community. They seemed to like GRC. They liked how GRC made the impossible look easy. They liked how GRC never hesitated. They liked how GRC didn't stick to one genre. They especially liked how mysterious GRC was.

You didn't realize that people would be so obsessed with your identity. The smallest bit of new information made your fans stir. GRC is [Nationality]? Someone must've bumped into them before! GRC likes [Sweet]? Maybe if they buy it, they might get noticed? It almost never stops.

You've seen people in the chat ask you various questions. They ask for your full name, height, and hair and eye color. Sometimes they ask how you feel about certain things: Do you support this or that? You don't mind those types of questions.

The ones that do bother you are the ones with... Less innocent motives. Those often creep you out and make you want to drop the GRC persona. But you know that if you did abandon the GRC persona, you wouldn't have an outlet anymore.

To branch out more, you've taken on vlogging. You travel a lot anyways since you're a [Last Name]. If you didn't stay in one place, it would be harder to find you. That was a plus side to this idea. It was also fun to vlog. You could show your viewers new places to go, or new things to experience. You often showed underrated, hidden gems were gamers and pop culture enthusiasts were welcomed.

There were a plethora of restaurants, stores, and arcades you have visited. Not to mention the secret sections of casinos. This month you were in [City]. An event was being taken place here, and your family and you were invited. The event would last for a few days, so you were also staying for a couple nights. It took a bit of research, but you found some arcades in the area that stayed open late.

Arcade Girl [Gamer! Journalist! America X Gamer! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now