Arcade Girl Part 4

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You hated the family you were born into. They treated you like you were nonexistent. You were just a small piece to a set they loved to play with. Your parents didn't even come see you some days. The only two people who seemed to be your parental figures were your butlers. But even they have crazy in them.

"I absolutely 'ate it when she wears those baggy clothes! I thought we threw them all out? Arthur, didn't we get rid of them?"

"I don't know why you're asking me, Frog. I'm pretty sure we did. Also, you know how she keeps her secrets. Plus, she went shopping yesterday without us."

Do they really think I can't hear them? You wondered. Arthur and Francis bickered outside of your door. Why they don't like your clothes, you may never know. It's probably due to Francis' upscale taste, and Arthur's obsession with wanting you to act "proper".

There's nothing wrong with dressing comfortable. Just because you had money didn't mean you had to have the best of the best. Sometimes simple outfits were better than the expensive ones. However, someone other than you should say that to them.

The bickering stopped. The sound of a knock at your door was the only substitute for noise. Then, you heard them arguing again. But the sound was reduced to whispers.

You sighed.

"It's open!"

Your bedroom door opened. There in the doorway were your two butlers: Francis and Arthur.

Francis came from France. He had blonde hair that came up to his shoulders. Francis normally kept it down, but you've seen him put it up in buns before. When you first met him, his French accent made it hard to understand him. After a while you got used to it. Francis helps you with food and clothes.

To his left was Arthur. Arthur was British. His eyes reminded you of emeralds because of the green. He acted as your tutor and assistant in some parts. But that doesn't mean that he can't scold and annoy you. ("A lady doesn't act like this.") Yet he can never be replaced. Where else can you find someone with huge eyebrows?

"What do you two want?" You asked. "I was about to go out."

"Yes, but I read that it will be cold tonight. Instead of going to whatever it is you go to, why not actually spend time with your family? You're the only daughter of the [Last Name] family. It's only appropriate that you join them." Arthur said.

"Or you could give us permission to... 'Ow you say... Go? Go to the event without you? To be there?" You saw Francis get hit by Arthur.

Abusive. You thought. Sometimes you questioned why they work together. They clearly hate one another. Once you caught Francis shaking Arthur to death. And another time, Arthur tripped Francis, who was holding hot soup. But they still seem have some form of respect for the other. As mysterious as that is.

"Yeah, sure. Go on without me. I don't care. My family is lame anyways." You said, waving them off.



Arthur was in a confused shock while Francis was as happy as can be. The French man tripped over his words. He kept on thanking you, and thanking you. The Brit was still trying to comprehend the situation. He didn't know why you wanted to stay here.

"Now just a minute. Why do you not want to go? Is it because of the fight from earlier? Are you worried about that? Love, it's perfectly fine if you're nervous about that. Arguments and disagreements are normal and healthy. But your family-"

"Jeez, stop treating them like saints!" You spoke. "Did you not hear what they said about my interests? About me? They said it was pathetic, a waste of time. Every single event we go to, it's just another string of insults. They're still mad about how I'm not 'taking a job meant for a [Last Name]'. They're still mad I picked my own likes over theirs. Arthur, I can't even wear clothes without being criticized for it." You looked at Francis, hoping he gets the point. "So, I don't wanna see them."

Now Arthur finally saw what you were doing. On your bed was a suitcase. You wouldn't have to leave the hotel until tomorrow night. But you were packing up anyways. You were... You were leaving.

"Where do you think you're going? Your parents said that if you leave them the money is cut off. Besides, what hotel can you check into with the small amount you saved up? If you choose to sleep in a motel, then you have slumped to the lowest of the low. Also, that is barely enough clothes for a young lady such as yourself. How can you-"

"Shut up!" You interrupted him. "You were so much cooler when I was younger. Now I can see that you're just a shallow, old fashioned gentleman. Francis is the only sane person here. On most days at least. As for sleeping arrangements, I think I might crash at someone's home. Or, worst case scenario, I'll call one of my 'friends' and ask to be with them." You turned away from them.

Technically, you were an adult, so it wasn't like you were running away from home; Yet it was exactly like that. You wanted to cut ties with your family. You remember one of your siblings trying to do so when you were younger. He was gone for two months. However, his body was found in a river. The death of your second eldest brother destroyed you mentally. Your parents often used this feeling against you, using it as proof that the world was as dangerous as they say and that you could never survive without them.

You could care less about how the world acts now.

"Mon cher (My darling), while I'm flattered, I'm also concerned. So I will say something I never thought I would: Listen to Arthur." You heard him make a gagging noise. It was as if the words were poison on his tongue. Nonetheless he still continued talking. "Picking up and leaving, why?" He asked.

"Because treaties and compromises don't work, Francis. Just when I think we've reached peace, we're always back at square one; Fighting and fighting some more. I saved the data on my game consoles at our main home. They're connected to my original account. So that part doesn't bother me. I don't have many items that are of sentimental value. They always get ruined." You motioned to the suitcase. "This is all I need for now."

You were done packing up. You grabbed the suitcase off the bed and started walking out of the room. Francis and Arthur stared at you. They still saw you as the child you were when you all first met. That was well over a decade ago. When you reached the door and looked at them, they realized that you were an adult. A young adult, but still an adult.

You waved goodbye and told them that there was a bus stop you would wait at. You didn't tell them where you were going, but they didn't press on. They remained as silent as mice. They didn't speak a word until you left.

"We're dead, aren't we?"

"Not only us, but [Name] as well."

"So are you going to tell her parents, or am I, Frog?"

"I don't know. The only good news is that we get to go to the marvelous event. Both in [Name's] place, and to deliver the news to the [Last Names]. But the bad news..."

"The bad news are that our asses are getting harmed first... Then it's [Name's]..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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