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"Eddie!," Beverly says as she sees Eddie limp their table. His friends are glad to see him, but seeing him in pain is a little sad to them. "Hey, guys.," Eddie says as he finally sits down, "Where's Rich?"

"He got to stay home.," Stan answers. "Lucky.," Eddie says, "My mom wouldn't let me stay home."

"Do you feel better?," Ben asks.

"To be honest, I feel worse.," Eddie answers, "My whole body is sore and my arm hurts so fucking bad."

"I'm sorry.," Ben says.

"It's fine. My mom gave me some medicine for the pain this morning. Hopefully it'll kick in soon."

"Did you still wanna go shopping with me?," Beverly asks Eddie.

"Yeah.," Eddie tells her.

They talked until the bell rang. It was weird with Richie and Bill not being at school. They all felt it, but  none of them brought it up.

At around noon, Richie finally wakes up, his whole body sore like Eddie's was. He goes to put his glasses on, but remembers that they broke and he doesn't have them anymore. Bill and Mike had been sitting in Richie's room, waiting for him to wake up. Richie notices them and jumps, "When the fuck did you guys get here?"

"Like, ten minutes ago.," Mike answers. "St-Stan said y-y-you were home.," Bill says to Richie, "H-How are you?"

"In pain.," Richie answers, "At least I didn't break my arm like Eddie, though."

Richie groans as he sits up, his back feeling stiff. "You guys wanna go get food or something?," Richie asks.

"You seriously wanna go out right now?," Mike asks.

"Why not?"

"Well, I'll d-drive.," Bill says.

"I'm a good driver! Henry's the one that hit us, I was just minding my own business. He got arrested anyways, so he won't try to kill me again."

"I'm s-still driving. Y-Y-You probably shouldn't be moving around too much in the f-first place."

"That's fair.," Richie stands up, wincing in pain as he moves. He throws on a pair of slides and says, "I don't feel like changing clothes. Let's go." He grabs his wallet and follows Mike and Bill out of his room.

Richie is sitting in the backseat, his back against the car door and his legs propped up on the seats. He texts the group chat, "Hey losers."

Bev 🔥
hey rich! how are you?

Mike 🤠
I'm literally right in
front of you Richie

Shut up Mike lmao. My body
hurts more than it did yesterday

Eddie Spaghetti 💛
my mom still made me go
to school 😔

Bitch lol

Stan the Man 🕊
omg richie 💀

What? She is.
You should move in
with me, Eds.

Eddie Spaghetti 💛
at least we only have a few
months until me and mike go to
new york :))

Mike 🤠
I can't wait!

Bev 🔥
all of us need to hang out
at the clubhouse again

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