Part 3

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Lexi, my dearest lexi. You are amazing and i jope you areenjoying. I will alaways be here for you. Much love ~ kyleigh

The next morning you woke up to tons of comments of  the slefie you and shawn posted last night. You thought there would be tons of hate. Surprisingly there wasnt. You started to get famous in a split second. The night before you had about a thousand followers niw you had about 900,000. "Wow they actually like me" you said out loud smiling. Most of the comments we like "are they dating?, who is she!, I SHIP IT! (Lexi i hope you get you get that). You immediately called shawn. You didn't know what yall were. Were yall friends with benefits, dating, or just a one night thing?

Call convo:

Shawn: Hey gorgeous mind if i comeover today?
You didnt know if you should ask him what was you guys standing. So you decied just to leave it alone. That was best right?

Lexi: Umm, Sure. My dad is leaving for work in about an hour you can come then.

Shawn: Okay! Great. See you soon.

Lexi: Okay, i love you

Shawn: Um yeah, you too
End of call convo

Shawns POV:

She just said she loved me, lexi loves me. No this cant be last night was a one of the time thing. Right? What are we? You checked your instagram and saw that everyone was asking if you and lexi were dating. "Aghh!!!" You yelled as you threw your phone across the room. You layed on your bed. It was hours later and you were still... in the same spot, havent moved a bit. What was going on? Lexi means everything to me. I heard my phone start dinging alomst every second. The dings were getting annoying. So i ghost ot up to go get it. My twitter was blowing up. I unlocked my phone. I couldnt believe my eyes.

There, on my phone, infront of my face were threat after threat. And hate after hate. What did i do? I havent been on social media forever. So i scrolled all the way down, and saw the tweet that started it all. So theres this other musicain named jacob. (Not a fan really of jacob so this part im making up) He was an okay singer. The tweet was a tweet that jacob whitesides tweeted stating, "Shawn mendes is a failure. He stole lyrics from many of my songs. He copied me doing covers and plus he got me kicked out of magcon. Do anything possible to let this jerk know that he's going to HELL!" As i read the tweet a tear slowly slipped down my cheek.

My heart felt like it dropped down a three story building. I was so done. Ive never felt this sad in my life besides when lexi left. I felt pain as i read all the cruel tweets.

Lexi POV:

So i was on twitter and saw tons of hate shawn was getting. I didnt know what was oing on. It had been two hours since shawn shouldve been here. I started to get really worried. Why was he getting so much hate? Was it my fault? I scrolled farther down. There were millions of tweets stating "Shawn go fucking die in a hole. You dont deserve to live you asswipe" my heart started to pound a millions miles per hiur. By then streams were coming out of my eyes. I grabbed my keys and rushed over to shawns.

I flung open shawns bedroom door to see him sitting on his bathroom floor. With a knife in one hand and cuts on the other. He looked at me and started to cry even more. "Shawn, oh my gosh shawn!" I said crying and leaning down next to him. Ive never seen him ever like this. My heart felled like it was shattered by now. I cleaned shawn all up. The whole time he didnt say a word. I think i might have just saved him from killing himself. Finally shawn said something. I couldnt realky hear him. "Le-lexi" he said with a low toned voice motioning me over to him. I lay there right beside him on his bed. I cuddled up to him. He put his arm around me. He was liek a big teddy bear. "Thank you. Im sorry you had to see me like this." He said kissing my forehead. "You are so welcome shawn. You're so strong" i said giving him a smile. "I forgot to ask you, so what are we now" he said sitting up and pulling me with him. I didnt know what to say. So i looked at him with my lip quivering.

Sorry that was a little shirt. Sorry it was sad. Hope you liked. Comment what you think lexi is going to say. Maybe get three votes? And one comment for next part ~kyleigh

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