Always Together, Huh?

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Annabeth's POV
And that's when I broke.
I took off my necklace and took the engagement ring off. I calmly walked up to him fighting the tears.

I won't cry.
I won't cry.
I won't cry.

"Anna-" he started, but then stopped when I put the ring in his hand. He looked up at me with those beautiful broken green eyes that I love. Used to love.

The gods were all staring at us and some even gasped. I payed no attention.

Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Nico, Reyna, and even Calypso were looking at us.

It was dead silent.

I walked out with my head held high.

My vision blurred with tears but I wouldn't let them fall. Not here.

Once those big iron doors closed I broke.

I sobbed and sobbed while I ran out the Empire State Building.

At some point I collapsed at the exit and Piper found me. Soon Hazel was there to. Then Reyna. And Calypso. And Frank. And Leo. And Jason.

I sobbed into Piper's shirt while she rubbed my back. I could hear the others whispering. They were shocked as I broke. I was supposed to be strong.

Eventually I stopped crying and the sobs were replaced with a stone cold face.

At some point that I don't remember they hauled me into the 'Delphi Strawberries' van. If Argus noticed the boy missing and my emotionless face he said nothing.

We eventually got to camp and they sat me down with Chiron, Clarisse, Chris, Travis, Katie, Rachel, the seven (six), Reyna, Nico, Will, and Calypso.
"My child what happened, why is Percy not here?" Chiron asked gently.
He said his name.
"He's gone now." I said with no emotion seeping into my tone.
Piper told him that the gods were granting us each a gift.
Jason wanted to go back in forth camps whenever he wanted. Yes.
Piper wanted one good year with her dad. Yes.
Hazel wanted some gems of her not to be cursed. Yes.
Frank wanted to have a conversation with his mom for one last time. Yes.
Leo wanted Calypso safe and off the island. Yes.
Nico wanted to have the same right as Jason. Yes.
Rayna wanted to join the hunters of Artemis and promote Hazel to Praetor. Yes.
I wanted to go to college and be safe. Yes.

Percy wanted to be a god. Yes.

After Piper finished they all looked at me with pity.

A/N: hiiii what did you think? The next chapters will be longer hopefully 😂. Ummm any tips on how to make the story better? Thank for reading and have a great day!

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