Chapter 2: The Second Nap

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"Oh hey-" Badgerclops stopped as the cat he was addressing brushed by him as if he wasn't there, "Mao Mao." Luckily, Adorabat had come in a second later, missing her favorite hero's rude display.

"Hey Badgerclops, what's for breakfast?" Adorabat was in her usual chipper mood as she sat stopped by the counter.

"Oh! Um..." Badgerclops's thoughts had been filled with trying to get Mao Mao to talk to him, he hadn't even thought of breakfast, which was a first. "How about french toast?"

"Yummy!" Adorabat was happy with just about anything as long as it was sweet.

"You want some, Mao Mao?" Badgerclops was answered with a curt head shake and grunt that meant, "no". Mao Mao instead poured himself a generous cup of black coffee and grabbed a granola bar out of a box in the cabinet. He then proceeded to head back to the dojo.

"Is Mao Mao okay?" Adorabat asked with worried eyes when she thought the cat was out of earshot, "He's been acting really weird since I got back."

"I don't know, Adorabat. That's what I'm trying to find out." Badgerclops shoved his worry filled thoughts into the back of his head and turned to face the child with a smile, "How many slices do you want?"


Mao Mao's granola bar laid untouched on the table where the sheriff and his deputies sharped and cleaned weapons, while his coffee cup was completely empty. Mao Mao wasn't hungry, he'd only grabbed the granola bar because he knew Adorabat would have questions if he didn't. He'd always told her breakfast was a hero's most important meal of the day. What would she think of him if she knew he wasn't following by what he'd told her?

Mao Mao shook his head, trying to rid himself of the thoughts. He'd delightedly downed the coffee as soon as he entered the dojo. The poor sheriff was so tired, having hardly slept at all the night before. He couldn't sleep because he was still trying to figure out what these weird feelings were...and because he couldn't find his bed comfortable. He would never admit this aloud, but the nap Mao Mao took on the badger was some of the best sleep he'd ever gotten. A part of him, a very small part, kind of longed to take another nap on the giant, dorky fluff ball.

Mao Mao planted his palm on his forehead, embarrassed, and stepped over to a weapons rack, picking up four throwing daggers. Maybe chucking sharp projectiles at something would clear his head.

Getting ready for the first throw, Mao Mao thought of how Badgerclops had said in his dream, how he'd never leave him. Had the real Badgerclops said that? Mao Mao threw the dagger, grunting in displeasure when it impaled the very edge of the bullseye. He lined up to throw the second dagger, thinking about if the badger had really meant what he said. The second dagger flew through the air, landing less than half an inch closer than the first dagger. The sheriff fought of the urge to throw the remaining two daggers on the ground. Calming down, Mao Mao tries his best to clear his head of all thoughts before launching the third dagger. Just as Mao Mao threw the dagger, the image of Badgerclops holding him close to his chest popped into his head annoyingly, making his aim veer off to the side. The third dagger stuck into the wall, two inches from the bullseye.

"Something bugging you?" A familiar voice called from the door, startling the cat and causing him to toss the dagger at the doorway. The figure in the doorway yelped as the projectile sunk into the doorframe, right near their face. Mao Mao quickly straightened up and pulled on a scowl when he realized the figure in the doorway was the badger he'd been thinking about.

"What do you want?" The cat hoped the sneer he wore would get Badgerclops to go away.

"Adorabat went to school, so I thought I'd come see what was bothering you." Badgerclops gestured to the daggers, "Judging by how you usually have perfect aim, I'd say there's something big bothering you."

"There's nothing bothering me." Mao Mao states bluntly as he stalked over to the bullseye and started yanking the throwing daggers out of it.

"Come on Mao Mao, you haven't spoken to me at all since Adorabat went to her dad's, and you look absolutely miserable." Badgerclops pulled the dagger out of the doorframe and handed it to Mao Mao, who took it begrudgingly and went back over to the weapons rack to put them away.

"I said I'm fine." The side of Mao Mao that wanted to be a legendary hero told him to keep his feelings to himself, that sharing your feelings makes you less of a hero. The side of him that longed for the affection on the other hand screamed at him to talk to his friend. The two sides clashed at each other, leaving Mao Mao confused and nervous.

"Mao Mao," Badgerclops came forward, as if to hug his smaller friend, then decided to just put a gentle hand on the cat's shoulder, "please talk to me. I'm worried, bro." Mao Mao let out a long, annoyed sigh. His affection craving side had won the battle, he wasn't going to share to much though.

"I haven't been sleeping well." Mao Mao felt a slight weight lifted off of his shoulders, "it's partially your fault you know." Badgerclops's voice became defensive as he crossed his arms.

"How is it my fault you can't sleep?"

"Because you're such a comfortable pillow." The sheriff suddenly realized what he had said and felt his cheeks turn a light pink as Badgerclops's stifled a laugh with his fist.

"I'm sorry, what?" Badgerclops couldn't believe the words he just heard come out of a Mao Mao's mouth.

"Y-you heard me!" Mao Mao's voice sounded higher than usual. Badgerclops had to take a minute to stifle another laugh before responding.

"Come on." Badgerclops took the stunned cat's hand and guided him into the living room where Badgerclops had Mao Mao sit down next to him and turned on the TV. Badgerclops lifted an arm, going to wrap it around the sheriff before being stopped by a gloved paw.

"What are you doing?" Mao Mao asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You said you couldn't sleep because I was so comfortable, so you're going to take another nap." Badgerclops cut as Mao Mao opened his mouth to interject, "before you say no, Adorabat isn't going to be home for hours, and a monster alarm will wake us up if we're needed." Mao Mao closed his mouth and thought over what Badgerclops said before lowering his paw and allowing Badgerclops to pull him closer. The badger readjusted himself so he was partially laying down, his back against the arm of the couch, Mao Mao laying on top of him with his head on Badgerclops's chest. Mao Mao was going to open his mouth to tell Badgerclops to remove his arm, but closed his mouth, realizing he found that Badgerclops's arm around him...comforting.

"Go to sleep, kitty~" Badgerclops teased, making Mao Mao turn his eyes up at him and scowl, but soon closed his eyes, once again relaxing against the badger's chest. Soon Mao Mao was purring softly in his sleep, Badgerclops smiling down at him fondly, soon falling asleep himself.


"Well isn't this adorable!" A voice nearly shouted, stirring Mao Mao and Badgerclops awake. As soon as Mao Mao saw who the voice belonged to, Mao Mao fell off the couch and Badgerclops sat straight up. The owner of the voice stood at the end of the couch, with Adorabat on their shoulder.

"T-Tanya!?" Mao Mao stuttered, dumbfounded.

"Hey, Mittens!" Tanya winked and gestured to Badgerclops, "Since when is this guy your boyfriend?"

It Started With A Nap (A Mao Mao x Badgerclops fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now