1) Sagie, Princess, Sagie girl, Sissy2) dark brown or black
3) dark brown and black
4) A Fact about me is that when I was younger like in elementary preschool or kindergarten age I got stitches.
5) Yellow
6) The Beach
7) Ariana Grande (girl) Shawn Mendes (boy)
8) Monkeys, Pandas, and Penguins
10) Fish Out Of Water ( A Little Mermaid Story)
KaraCavallari bbysooyun GracelovesGod444 ButterflyWriter13 PrincessNichole77714 -oceanmist- Storm_Struck 03rose2005 booknerd1715 Creativedude713 AsOriginal BunnyRabbit84 -in-love-with-Axl- dam123321 1D_CJ_04 JordynNightskai iguess-iwrite HavRayGirl gourmetshrimp Summerxloving
Tag Book 2020
RandomGet to know me a bit more with this book. What you want to know about me I'll give it to you in this. Any suggestions, requests, ideas please dm me. I would dearly appreciate your feedback and thoughts on this. Opinions are a must matter bad or goo...