Where Your Eyes Linger

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Title: Where Your Eyes Linger




Meet Han Tae Joo, the 18 year-old student and successor to the TB Group. Blessed with a wealthy family, good looks and popularity, he has few worries. Gang Gook, his thoughtful childhood friend, is physically strong and is trained in different martial arts disciplines. 

Tae Joo is Gang Gook's only friend. Tae Joo trusts Gang Gook and feels at ease around him. Tension erupts between them when a new female student, Hye Mi, shows interest in Gang Gook. As the two go on a date, Han Tae Joo becomes irritated, and soon after, long-suppressed emotions start surfacing. Could there be more to their platonic friendship?

 Could there be more to their platonic friendship?

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My Review:

Just finished this one right now and I have to say it was pretty good. It was easily bingeable with it only having eight episodes with each about 10mins to 18mins. Don't let those short time stamps deter you from watching it though! It has a very good story line and develops the plot quite smoothly. It also, surprisingly, didn't end on a bad note (by episode seven I was near tears because I thought I'd be having another sob fest because of an angsty ending)! The music in the show is very lovely and ahh that characters are also just fabulous.

*spoilers ahead*

So the couple in this love story is Tae Joo and Gang Gook. As you can see from the summary, they have the whole setup of "rich boy" and "tough friend". It was very cute and I was happy to find out that they didn't make that trope go to the extreme like in most shows. 

Their whole relationship is kind of flirtatious and questionable from the start. Both don't want to admit their feelings and the fact that Tae Joo is a playboy doesn't help at all. Of course Gang Gook still cares for him. But then Hye Mi asks Gang Gook out. Now here's where they went right and exceeded my expectations. They didn't make Hye Mi a bratty rude girl that would be tossed aside like a scapegoat for the couples character development. She actually has quite a funny personality and as soon as Gang Gook tells her that he likes Tae Joo, she accepts it and tells him that she had a feeling that was what was happening. 

Anyway, the characters are all amazing (especially Hye Mi's mother who is a BL shipper and knew from the start something was going on between the two) and the story was quite good. The acting was also outstanding and you can see the emotions clearly on all the actor's faces. I loved the ending because I really thought they'd pull a sad one on us but that thought was quickly dashed away!

What happened was that Tae Joo was getting sent to England after this guy, Pil Hyun, told his father that he'd seen him kissing Gang Gook (which wasn't what happened, he tried to kiss Gang Gook but was promptly shoved away because Gook was still confused with his own feelings and the fact that Tae Joo might feel the same way. Ahhh I loved Pil Hyun because he was quite a funny character but at that moment I was ready to slap him. Luckily Gook punched him for a "hey screw you" moment lol). I thought Tae Joo and Gang Gook were going to run away but sadly that didn't happen. Tae Joo sadly followed his fathers orders and left after telling Gook to wait for him (Also I'm about ready to beat the dad up because he's a sucky father that should learn how to be a good person). It then said that three years passed and Tae hadn't returned.

Gook left and went to live in Japan. I thought it would end their but nOpE. At the last moment, Tae comes out of nowhere and shocks us all, or well, at least me. They proceeded to have a cute conversation and then BAM, kiss scene. Ahahavshjaansb I wasn't expecting it at all and my poor phone faced the consequences (this one goes out to my phone for somehow still working). It was so adorable, unexpected, and out right perfect. 

This series really brought a smile to my face. Of course it was a bit angsty but not the type of angst that makes you want to scream. It's a good angst? Like, an angst that was necessary because it makes the story even more better. 

In Conclusion:

Where Your Eyes Linger is definitely a to watch if you haven't seen it already. It didn't disappoint me in anyway and I'm glad I came across it. Hopefully this show will lead the way for more Korean BL dramas to be made.

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