My Engineer

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Title: My Engineer


(S1) Finished 

(S2) To be released in 2021


When Bohn, the popular engineering student, starts a revenge plan on Duen, the innocent first-year medical student, their feelings slowly start to grow through roses that Duen has to buy for Bohn every day for a month. 

The series brings out the different side of each couple and their journey with friends and relationships.Join us and see how their feelings slowly evolve between each other through the 4 couples.

My Review:

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My Review:

Man did this show really whack me over the head after I underestimated it. I saw it in my YouTube recommendations and decided to watch it and I don't regret it one bit. It starts off quite cute and keeps you interested throughout the whole series. At least that's what happened with me. I really do recommend this if you are looking for a show that doesn't have too much angst, maybe just a dash, and want to see how the couples get together.

*spoilers ahead*

Most of the couples get lots of screen time and it's honestly really well coordinated. I literally can't stop gushing about this show. It just really captured my heart- There are four couples in total, Bohn&Duen, King&Ram, Boss&Mek, and Thara&Frong. 

Bohn and Duen aren't my favorite couple but I still love them. I think a lot of their scenes are cute and play on the whole "old married couple arguing" trope, but at times Bohn can get too jealous or too serious with his teasing. Duen is also a tad bit oblivious. Their whole dynamic can get a bit irritable but they really won me back in the last episode. Especially after their last kiss scene where they pull apart all shy and look away, ahgahaja it was so cute! I feel like they'll actually start to trust and have fun with each other now (hopefully without much of Bohn's "teasing") and in season two we might get to see them mature some more!

King and Ram, ohhh boyyy. I. Love. These. Two. So. Much. They just snapped on all of their scenes together. I love how they develop a friendship first and didn't just dive in. King had to earn Ram's trust and when he did, he won all of it. You can tell that Ram starts to slowly give into King's persistence early on as well. Their friendship just warmed my heart and then later on when Ram starts getting protective of King, especially at the camping episodes, it just really pulled at my heart. Also, when King started to get all angry and confused over his emotions about Ram at the end, Ram patiently stayed until he got an explanation and was gentle with King . He didn't push too much and let King talk (and of course they then had their kiss scene, to which I SHRIEKED, as I wasn't EXPECTING IT. Oh and when Ram put his hand on King's cheek I died). I am extremely glad that they didn't do the whole "oh what happened, I was drunk last night and don't remember we kissed" because I would have died, again. Overall their couple is just *chefs kiss*

Boss and Mek, now these two I also love. To tell the truth, at first I wasn't fully onboard with this couple. I just felt like Mek deserved better, especially when Boss went and kept flirting with girls and then proceeded to get himself a girlfriend. But in the end, just like Bohn and Duen, they won me over. Their whole "silly wife and mute husband" set up they have going on is too adorable. The scenes they have when they get together are really playful and just make you smile. The scene with Boss breaking up with his girlfriend was quite sad but at least he was direct, not hesitant, and didn't try to sugarcoat the whole thing and leave her confused. He knew in the end that the one he truly loved was Mek and I fully support them. Also his ex-girlfriend  actually took it really well and didn't throw a fit like I was expecting her to do. Got used to the toxic girlfriend trope I guess. Anyway, these two are cute together and I love them.

Thara and Frong didn't get enough time together and let's hope that season two will do them justice. From the scenes we did get with them I can already tell that I'm gonna really like their couple. I mean I already do. I didn't know they were going to be the fourth couple at first but I am on board with it now. Frong being the proud and smart underclassmen and Thara being the laid back senior with some odd personality traits just really makes me happy inside. I love Thara and him getting with Frong is just dhsjskkejdh. I can't wait for their coupleeeeee. ALSO THE FACT THAT FRONG GOT "BRO-ZONED" HAS ME SOBBING. Like, I think he started to realize he had feelings for Thara but Thara was just like "lmao what?? Feelings of love where?? Taking pictures of Frong and saying I will delete them even though I probably won't?? Nahh that's just uhh friendship." I still love him though. He's just dense.

Last but not least, Ting. She is the embodiment of everyone who watches BL. Being alone, loving the couples, and then proceeding to cry about the fact that she's gonna be alone forever. She is a fabulous character that I will forever love and relate to.

In conclusion:

My Engineer took us all by storm and if you haven't watched it, you should. If you have watched it, I am totally down with discussing the show and basically sobbing about the couples.

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