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Felix POV

I keep on thinking how to tell my feelings towards Naena. I can't even sleep last night!

“should I watch it on YT?”

Aish how can this thing made me like this?!

I ruffles my hair in frustrated while thinking about the way to win her heart.

" Oh, Hey Felix." I heard someone approach me made me flinched.

" Aish! You surprised me. " I said. I then turned slowly to the person and It's Nae Na. My eyes goes widen automatically. My nervous started to hit me.

“ calm down Felix! You need to act cool in front of her!”

" Oh, Hey Nae Na. What are you doing here? Alone?" I asked try to control my mouth not to speak stutteredly.

" Nothing. Just wanna have some fresh air while having some times to be alone." She answered.

"Ouh... Err... Wanna sit with me..?"

"If you don't mind."

"Oh! Of course! I don't mind it! Here! Have a seat." I said as I patted the empty side of the chair, telling her to seat here. She then sat besides me.

" Well how about your head? Did it felt more better?" I asked.

"It's fine already." She answered while her eyes keep staring at the river.

" I'm glad to heard it."  I said as my eyes also went to the calming river.

" Well, Nae Na... Hmm... Can I ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Sure. Ask away."

"Well.... it's gonna sound pretty weird but... Well.... Hmm.... Do you....li-" my words been cut when suddenly I heard someone's phone ringing.

"Oh, sorry. It's Jeong In. I need to answer it. If you mind?"

"Oh, no! Of course no! "

“ yes! I mind it! Aish! Why did he call her at this moment!?”

She went a lil bit far away from me, making some privacy space between us. I keep smiling at her. She then face her back at me.

I started to kick and punching the air because of embarrassment.
When she turned to me back, I then sat down properly and smile at her, pretending that nothing happened.

" What did he wants?" I asked.

" Oh, he just asking that if you were with me. He said he tried to call you but you didn't pick up."


“ F*ck you kiddo!”

"Continue with your questions just now. I like what?" She asked.

" Oh, I'm trying to say that do you like to hang out at this place usually?"

“ aish! This is embarrassing! ”

"I often came here if I had something bothering my head." She said.

"What is bothering you now?" I asked made her froze.


" Oh... Err... I'm just thinking about.... Oh....errr....my dream...? Well it's quite weird that's why I keep on thinking about it."

"Oh...well what happened to me at your dream?" I asked made her lost her words already.

"You? Oh....err.... n-nothing....?"

"Really?" I asked her again.

"Oh...er... r-really...."

" Well you're lying don't you?"

"Oh, errr, I'm- I'm not!"

"Then why are you keep stuttering?"

"Oh,err, today is hot doesn't it?" She tried to turn the topics off.

" Seriously? In winter?" I asked with a confused face.

"Oh, errr, ahah! I almost forgot! Youngmin told me to buy him some snacks just now. So I need to go bye-" I then quickly grabbed her arm.

"You're lying again. Youngmin at overseas with the others. How can he told you to buy him some snacks?"

" Uh, err. H-he already r-returned from his work! H-he told me to buy some for him just now!"

"But he just went this morning."

“ it's the right time to tell her don't I..? 😉”

Nae Na POV

"Oh...well what happened to me at your dream?" I asked made her lost her words already.

"You? Oh....err.... n-nothing....?"

"Really?" I asked her again.

"Oh...er... r-really...."

" Well you're lying don't you?"

"Oh, errr, I'm- I'm not!"

"Then why are you keep stuttering?"

"Oh,err, today is hot doesn't it?"

" Seriously? In winter?" I asked with a confused face.

"Oh, errr, ahah! I almost forgot! Youngmin told me to buy him some snacks just now. So I need to go bye-"  Before I could ran away, he already grabbed my arm.

"You're lying again. Youngmin at overseas with the others. How can he told you to buy him some snacks?"

" Uh, err. H-he already r-returned from his work! H-he told me to buy some for him just now!"

"But he just went this morning."

“ ops! I got caught! ”

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