Chapter 12- I won't let you down

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Aurora and the others reached Mary's home. Aurora and Jason both were relieved to find out she was alright. Mary was introduced to the soldiers of the Militia and they were mostly caught up. Mary, seeing how the soldiers were to help in the effort to detain the vampire, offered her home for all of them to sleep. Initially, they were hesitant, but with burning eyes and a lack of energy, they complied. The group all slept soundly that morning, unaware of the whereabouts of the vampire they encountered.


While the Aurora and the others were catching up on sleep, the vampire in question was in a cave just outside of the city. After a short prayer, she reached into her pocket and felt they were empty. Her breathing wavered and she punched the ground in frustration. "This can't be happening!"

Hissing echoed from the deeper, darker parts of the cave. She saw beady red eyes, looking almost like lasers, inching close to her. Emerging from the shadows was a small black viper, flickering its forked tongue. The vampire got on a knee and bowed.

"Lady Medusa."

The snake spoke as if it were a microphone. "Serena Alucard. You've been collecting aura in Itesteria for a week. Surely you've made enough artificial stones to return back to base?"

Serena avoided eye contact and stared at the ground worriedly.

The snake tilted its head. "What is it, child?"

"Nothing mi'lady. It's just I may be in the country for one more night. There are some.... interesting auras I'd like to collect for you. Two of which you may find great pleasure in."

"Oh? Do tell."

"One of which is a demon, with extensive aura. I've collected some but he still breathes. And the other is one of your own blood. Your niece."

"Niece? Ah yes, Euryale's child. I've heard she's quite the powerhouse, even at such a young age."

"She could be used as a bargaining tool against your sister. Should I capture her alive?"

"No, do what you will with her. But getting her aura would be nice. Other than that, she doesn't interest me much. Oh, but what I'd give to see Euryale's face if I dumped her dead child to her feet." Medusa laughed under her breath. "Nonetheless we don't have time for petty squabbles. Be back after tomorrow night with the new stones."

"Of course. Anything for you Lady Medusa."

"Oh, and one more thing. Our sources tell us there's a Divine Stone in Flareville. Once Hatake confirms this, I'll be sending you back out to retrieve it."

Serena arose an eyebrow. "The land of Dragons? They've discovered a stone? That sounds dangerous."

"My thoughts exactly. Those incompetent savages don't need to have one in their possession. But, that's all. Get some sleep, Serena."

"Thank you, Lady Medusa."

The snake slithered back off into the shadows. Serena sighed and sat on the ground, frustrated that she lied to her. She lost the stones, and couldn't think of where. She rustled her hair. "Lord Fraizen, how is this path one I need?" At that moment, she remembered when Aurora punched her. She figured she must've dropped it there. She knew she couldn't afford to just leave those and assumed their group picked it up when she stormed off. Right as she decided to go back out, she saw the sun rising on the horizon. If this is the path I must take, then I follow it willingly. Tonight, all will be right. I cannot afford to fail her. To disappoint her.


Much later, that afternoon, Aurora and the others had all waken up and were fed to a small breakfast of freshly cut fruit served with orange juice. All of them, including Mary, sat at the table. Initially, there was deafening silence and intense glaring between Jason and Browlen. Katrina felt the heavy air, making it hard for her to eat. Even Mary was put off by it. Aurora just ignored it and munched happily on apple slices.

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