Chapter Fifteen

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Mark sighed, feeling tired. He and Vee were at another meeting, this time with potential clients. The restaurant was fancy but also rather loud and it was grating on Mark's ears, tiring him out. Luckily, the technical conversation was already over so now it was mainly up to Vee to schmooze them and that meant Mark could take a little break.

Mark leaned over to Vee and whispered in his ear, "I'm going outside for a few minutes. I'll be back soon."

Vee gave his waist a comforting squeeze and sent him a supportive smile as he nodded in response to Mark's words. It was quite a common occurrence for Mark to have to disappear for a while to recuperate from the socialising before he could continue, and Vee completely understood this. He really didn't mind at all.

Mark patted Vee's leg before leaving the table and winding past all the other customers to the front door. He didn't notice one of the men at the bar get up and follow him, but Vee did. Unfortunately, one of potential clients decided that it was the perfect time to drag Vee into a deep philosophical discussion so he couldn't very well suddenly leave. Vee desperately tried to end the conversation but, in the end, he just gave up and said he needed to go the bathroom. He knew he was being rude but at this point he didn't care, he just wanted to make sure Mark was alright.

Outside Mark was taking a deep breath of fresh air when his sought-after peace and quiet was broken by an unknown male voice.

"You're Mark, right?"

"Who are you?" Mark asked, instantly suspicious and more than a little nervous that a complete stranger knew his name.

"My name is Kade. It's nice to meet you."

Kade? Where had Mark heard that name before?

"I heard that you were a good worker, so I wanted to offer you a job," Kade continued when Mark remained silent.

"A job?"

"At my company, Innovate Inc."

The company name was also vaguely familiar to Mark but all he could remember about it was that it was also a tech company like the one he currently worked at. Never mind. It didn't matter. Mark was happy at his job. He was able to work with his friend, James, and he liked the CEO, Bar. Most importantly, Vee worked there and though Mark hadn't said it out loud yet, he loved Vee.

So, with nervous bluntness, Mark murmured, "No, thanks."

"No? Are you completely certain? I assure you the position I am offering you has better pay and benefits than your current one."

"How would you know that?"

Mark's tone was getting harsh and he tried to reign in his anger and discomfort so he could be polite but something about the man riled his ire. The way he talked was slimy, giving Mark the impression that he was trying to be smooth like honey but was failing. His smile was probably supposed to be charming but since it did not quite reach his eyes, it was just unbelievably creepy. And then there was his body language. The whole time he had been talking to Mark he had been inching closer and closer, stretching as tall as he could and becoming quite an imposing figure.

"Hey, Mark, are you okay?"

Mark's body visibly relaxed in relief when Vee came rushing out of the restaurant towards them. Unfortunately, Mark was disturbed once again when, instead of appearing disappointed that they had been interrupted, Kade smirked with an evil glint in his eyes and slowly turned to Vee with his arms crossed.

"He's fine, Vee. We were just discussing his job options."

"Oh, shut it, Kade. Leave him alone or you'll have me to deal with, understand?"

"Sorry Vee, but you're just not that scary. I mean neither you nor Bar have ever been able to beat me."

Kade had made one huge miscalculation. He had underestimated Mark and his feelings for Vee. When Kade had said those words, Mark had been enraged that someone would talk to his boyfriend so dismissively. At the same time, he also remembered where he had heard the name before. Kade was Bar and Vee's rival and he liked to play dirty. Mark had overheard several conversations between Vee and Bar about what Kade had done and had been troubled the man's actions. He did not behave like a business rival. It was more like he did everything he could to ruin things for Bar and Vee.

So, yes, Kade had made a dangerous mistake. One he wouldn't soon forget. 

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