Chapter Sixteen

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Vee flinched as Kade insulted him. It was bad enough that his old friend turned enemy was trying to hurt him once again but this time he was doing so in front of Mark. Being shown up in front of his boyfriend made Vee feel small and sort of worthless. It was likely Kade wanted that. He wanted to show Mark that Vee was weak. Vee knew it was a stupid that he was allowing himself to be affected by the prick, Kade. Mark wouldn't care what Kade said, Vee knew that, but some archaic instinct urged him to posture, to demonstrate that he was stronger than Kade.

"Kade," Vee huffed with derision, preparing to launch into a rather creative insult.

Then Vee cut himself off, stunned into silence at the scene playing out in front of him.

Kade was sprawled on the pavement, groaning in pain. Vee wasn't entirely sure how that had happened, but it became a little clearer when Mark advanced on Kade.

"What the hell?!" Kade gasped, glaring at Mark as he began to push himself back onto his feet.

Mark didn't like that. With another swift kick to the knee, Kade was on the ground again. Mark was beyond angry, but he was still trying to keep himself in check. He had been the one to start being physical and, while he did want to teach Kade a lesson, he didn't want to take things too far.

Kade was shocked. He had not expected an attack from behind. Why would Mark do this for Vee, the weakling? It was ridiculous. Kade was offering Mark everything: money, status, and ultimately, power. Why was Mark throwing that away? Mark was definitely going on Kade's list after this; Kade was going to make him pay for knocking him down in front of Vee. Kade was meant to be the one in control, the one with the power, not Mark or Vee.

"Leave my boyfriend alone, do you understand? Or am I going to have to explain further?" Mark growled, leaning over Kade with a clenched fist, his tone clearly threatening.

A sort of primitive satisfaction rushed through Vee at the sight of Mark acting so aggressively with Kade on his behalf. It was gratifying to see Kade beaten and weak for once, but it was even better that it had been Mark that had made him so. While it was surprising, Vee was enjoying having Mark acting so assertively and being so determinedly on his side. Who knew Mark was such a protective boyfriend?

"I would answer him, Kade," Vee chuckled, a smirk playing on his lips as he folded his arms.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Kade muttered, glancing between the two with a glare but made no move to get up again.

"Mmm, you made the mistake of trying to recruit my boyfriend and you're certainly paying for it now, aren't you?"

"Just didn't think you were the type to have a boyfriend."

"Excuse me?"

"You know what I mean," Kade sneered, raising a suggestive eyebrow.

"Seems I didn't explain enough."

Mark had cut in their conversation before Kade could say anything more offensive. How much of a prick was this guy? Mark wasn't entirely sure he had ever met someone so abhorrent. Granted, Mark didn't get out much, but still, could Kade get any more reprehensible?

Kade panicked at Mark's words, twitching in preparation for a blow that didn't come. While Kade was someone who liked to hurt and attack people, he didn't do so physically. He wasn't exactly a fighter. At this point it was almost instinctive for Kade to demean or trick people since he had been doing it for so long but normally his victims didn't fight back, at least not physically. They were too scared of his money and influence. Unfortunately, that didn't appear to hold true for Mark who didn't care about who he was in the slightest.

Mark's actions were slow and deliberate, sending Kade's heart racing as he became more and more scared. A hand gripped Kade's collar, lifting him up closer to Mark and his awaiting fist. Then with a quick and decisive move, Mark punched Kade in the mouth.

"Think twice before you speak, you prick," Mark hissed, stepping over Kade's body as he lay moaning on the pavement.

Mark grabbed Vee's hand, dragging him back into the safety of the restaurant. They paused in a corner to talk before they headed back to their potential clients.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, pressing in close to Vee's body for reassurance.

"I should be asking you that. How is your hand?"

"My knuckles are only a little red; I didn't hit him that hard."

"Good," Vee whispered, still taking Mark's hand to double-check, "Thank you for doing that outside."

"Kade deserved it. And you most certainly didn't. Don't listen to him ever, okay?"

"No, never, and the same goes for you."

Mark nodded with a gentle smile, leaning into Vee as he stroked his hair. The two took comfort in each other in the soft darkness of the corner where they stood. It was quite a while before they managed to get back to their table but, fortunately, their clients were much too drunk to notice.

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