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Eventually, they arrived at Level 3 on the outside of Machine City. They stopped at a ledge of the silver blocked path.

In front of the group, large silver building blocks, similar to the ones they were standing on, were floating in the open air.

"Man, I wish my family could see this," Arnold said, staring out at the view wistfully.

"What are you doing in the game, Arnold?" Juni asked, raising an eyebrow. Everyone took a step back and Arnold removed his goggles.

"Actually, I'm here on a beta tester visa, and I want to win the prize behind level 5. We're told that we'll win riches beyond belief, and that could save my family from poverty. I mean, is it true? The prize, I mean," He asked hopefully.

Juni looked at him sadly. "Oh, Arnold--"

"No," He interrupted with a shake of his head. "I want it to be a surprise."

Juni frowned. "I'm sure it will be."

"Gamers! Step on the red line!"

The group all followed the announcer's instructions.

"Choose your best player!" The game announced. Francis nudged her forward while the others looked to her.

"Yeah, sure, ok," Juni shrugged, stepping forward.

"Choose your strongest player!"

Arnold stepped forward and the group cheered in agreement.

The space where they were standing was separated from the rest of the path. It separated into two small platforms that faced them towards each other.

Two plastic bars were tossed at them. Juni's glowed green while Arnold's glowed red.

"Survival of the fittest! Face your opponent!"

The two looked at each other in realization.

"I can't fight Arnold!" Juni yelled. Arnold shook his head. "Yeah, I don't wanna crush Juni."

Juni narrowed her eyes. "Who says you're gonna crush me?"

"The winner shall proceed to level 4. The loser shall be given an immediate Game Over and will be permanently evacuated from the game!"

Juni groaned. "Sorry, but I have to save my sister."

Arnold slid his glasses back on. "I have to take care of my family, too."

Juni readied a battle stance. "No hard feelings?"

Arnold mirrored her. "Sure."


Juni swung forward with her weapon, but Arnold blocked it. She pivoted on her heel and whacked his leg. Arnold fell to the ground.

Juni swept the weapon at his head, but he quickly rolled out of the way, onto a quickly materializing new platform.

He stood and tried to put distance between them, but Juni followed him.

Arnold twisted the weapon and swung it at her head but she knocked it back with her own and kicked him in the chest.

He fell back but pushed himself up by his hands and rolled backward onto a new platform. He ran around her back onto the previously set up path and activated a different mode on the weapon, creating a wall between the two of them.

Juni rolled her eyes with a sigh before side kicking it to pieces. She quickly caught up to him and got a hit to the side of his head. Arnold went down and dropped his weapon. Juni activated a new mode on her weapon, an electric shock.

"I'm sorry, Arnold. You shouldn't have to worry about these kinds of issues as young as you are," She said sympathetically.

Just as she was about to take him out, the weapon deactivated. Juni hit it on the floor, confused.


Arnold's platform started moving away from her and back to the start.

"What's going on?" He yelled, standing back up.

"You've been tagged!" The announcer yelled. Arnold was helped back onto the platform by Francis and Rez, while Demetra slowly arrived on a platform in front of Juni.

"Oh, Demetra. Why would you do this, you know how it ended last time?" Juni asked sadly as her weapon reactivated.

Demetra gave her a sad smile. "You and Arnold both deserve to move on, I'm just here to play a game."

Juni sighed before readying a battle stance, Demetra doing the same.


Juni stabbed Demetra in the chest, and her life counter went down. She swung her weapon at Juni, but she knocked it out of her hands.

"I'm so sorry," She said before swiping her weapon at Demetra's legs, throwing her off the platform. Before she could fully fall off, Demetra dematerialized into purple pixels. Juni sighed and dropped her weapon as the platform took her back to the rest of the path.

"Demetra: Game Over!" The status read where the fight was held.

Juni shook her head as the guys helped her back onto the path.

"Sorry, Juni. Good fight?" Arnold held out a fist. Juni smiled sadly and fist-bumped him.

"That, uh, that was some pretty sick fighting," Rez said with a small smile. Juni smiled awkwardly. "Thanks."

Juni looked forward and rolled her shoulders. "Let's move on to level 4."

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