Chapter 1

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Right behind the door of a long corridor, Hannah pressed an ear up against the grained wood. On the other side, she did anticipate anyone or anything to be there. Hannah knew she couldn’t sneak out if stealth couldn’t be acquired.

          Slowly sneaking from the door to the window on the other side of the room, a peek was taken. Nothing but silence and a huge oak tree blocked her view of the country road.

          Not knowing whether it was a good idea to leave, she knew waiting for chance couldn’t come sooner. Because soon enough, needs for open air would pressure her to fling out the room and escape down the stairs to freedom.

          Confusedly enough, amnesia took over the memory of arriving at this place.

          At a turtles pace she crept the door slightly open to peek. She heard footsteps. It sounded like they came from the downstairs but she didn’t want to alert who ever that was.

          Tip-toeing back to the room, she needed a plan to get out. Obviously a way through the house couldn’t work. They would simply grab her, whoever it was?

          Now simply peering out the window blankly she didn’t appear to think someone would spot her. At the moment she was confident they were just inside.

          An old wooden window could be pushed up easily but to get down she either had to jump or climb down some way. It was at least 20 feet up.

Grabbing the edge of the window Hannah eased her legs down so they dangled as close to the ground as possible. A nervously fears overcame when she started to hear footsteps coming at her room.

Jumping and rolling onto the ground, she fiercely got up to run with a limp. Almost at a cry she ran with all she had but it seemed like it wasn’t enough. As if a leash was being pulled at her neck and the owner was running to the vet, Hannah terribly fell to her knees crying.

Bum-freak Egypt, no idea why, what, how, or even if her name was Hannah she just stayed knelt on her tender knees.

Soon enough, an old creaky screen door slammed shut and the sound of feet hitting wood startled Hannah. Rotating her head to an acute angle, the corner of her eye caught a woman dressed like a homesteader. Bonnet and all. “Hannah! Come back!” The woman seemed so sincere but yet it mystified Hannah to the point of hair standing up on her neck.

Mouth wide open and tears covering her flushed cheeks she stance up to run across the road to a never ending cornfield. Arms flailing, and hair waving resembling a lifeless body being whirled in a blender, she tore apart an entrance to the field.

The woman ran halfway up the yard and stared at the field. “George, you better tell Darrell she got away.” She yelled.

George being the old man he was stumbled onto the porch’s deck. Wearing bib overhauls and a straw hat his wrinkly face always made the expression that he was hard at figuring something out. “Alright Ma, I’ll tell the boy. Hopefully they can find her in that field. Lords knows it’s quite the big one.”

Stumbling back inside like one of his legs were longer than the other George gathered his boys Darrell and Jeff. Sighing, “She got away boys, better go get her.” George said while he pointed towards the corn.

Ruffing up their clothes and hurriedly tying their boots, the two boys dashed out of like the place was on fire.

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