the confession.

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Matt looked down at Tom, he hadn't just been caught, but he'd be asked a question as well. He sighed. "I haven't had anything much the past few days.. but I promised myself I'd eat today, it would be good for me." He tried to put on a fake smile, but it didn't suit his face, it wasn't really his, it was like when someone was crying and said. 'No, no I'm fine.' With an attempted smile, that type.

Tom could see through it with ease. "A hospital visit for starving yourself isn't the best one, I hated all of them, my Mom would take me.." He looked away, Tom didn't talk about himself or mention anything over his past, but it was a lot of hospital visits for a lot of things. "Being given a diet to follow day in day out and having constant checks, isn't what you want.. my experience may be different to yours." He closed his eyes and leaned back a bit, trying to act cool over the whole situation, the fact he had admitted to something like that, to... a air headed ginger wasn't going to do much, was he?..

Matt looked at him, in pure disbelief. "Y-you starved yourself? What else have you done, anything recent... Tom you know we're here for you, as a family.. it might sound like bull shit at times, but it is true." He tried not to sound worried, but it dripped from his voice, a few points it broke. "I haven't hurt myself, just told myself stuff, the stuff people think of me, I don't aim for hospital or anything, I swear." He was being honest, he didn't want that.

Tom was regretting everything he had said, now this ginger prick was on to him, it wasn't a good sign, he could tell Edd, or anyone.. Tord catching wind of this would be some decent blackmail. "I don't like talking about this stuff, I know you will just go to Edd over it all, he doesn't need to know.. no one does, if you tell someone.. I'll feed you to Eduardo's dogs." He hissed as he skope, trying to scare this person away, but was greeted by, a hug?

Yes, a hug, a warm one, one where he was pulled in and close to the other, one of those hugs that everyone needs at least once a year, when they hit that rough patch, where they feel so useless and uncomfortable in their own skin they wanted it to be removed, ripped apart and cut, letting it bleed out.. but this hug made those thoughts stop, the train crash.

The smaller Male was surrounded by Matt's scent, it was kinda relaxing, claiming, almost one of those that made the eyeless boy want to sleep, he wasn't one for being touched, or held, overall he didn't like physical contact. The ginger rubbed his back, he wasn't expecting him to hug back, but Tom did.

Matt closed his eyes. "Why are you getting defensive, is there something I need to know, anything new on your body that you don't like?" He hummed, hoping for Tom to tell him.
Tom shivered a bit. "Yes I've got new cuts and no I don't want to show you.. they aren't important or anything.."

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