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EVERYONE I meet thinks I'm a girly-girl. WRONG!!!! I may dress like it, but get to know me and you'll find out I'm a half-breed. Half Girly-girl, half Tomboy, AKA Tom-girl. I'm a gamer, nerd, popular, fashionable, not-so-trendy, independent, weird, crazy, fun, me. When I first met my ((now ex))boyfriend, he thought I was a girly-girl cuz of the clothes my mom made me wear. NO! Now I choose my own clothes and I have a more boyish style. I bought a Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirt today! Told you guys I'm a nerd! POKEMON!!! STAR TREK!! STAR WARS!!

I JUST SAW A LIMO. OOps I'm off topic. whoops!

So what was I talking about? Oh yeah, I am obsessed with this button: (...), oranges, spoons, Frozen, Pokemon, minecraft, WoW, Giraffes, horses, unicorns, and Role Plays.

Oh, that wasn't what I was talking about? Oops...

Whelp, Bai guys! *gives everyone an orange*


Shut up Tommy. *gives everyone who doesn't want an orange a cookie*

There, happy?

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