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(Author's note: this is a rewrite of the idea that I first posted on September 2019. I made a few changes and gave the characters new backgrounds but the idea has remained the same since. English is not my first language and there is minimal proof reading here so apologies for the mistakes.)

Shit. I wore the wrong outfit.

That's my first thought when I step out of the elevator on the 47th floor and into a reception area that looks like it has been copy-pasted from a really fancy magazine. I take a few steps towards the receptionist who stands behind her light gray desk with gold details and hesitate. Maybe I have the wrong floor?

That hopeful thought has a short life span since right after the question enters my mind, I see a huge sign above the receptionist. Huge letters on a white marble wall spell out LeDi Management. The gold letters seem to be shining as if the sign is made out of real gold. I take another look around the reception area and realise that they might actually be gold.

I definitely wore the wrong outfit.

"Hello, welcome to LeDi Management. How may I help you?" says a soft and affirmative voice behind the desk. She sounds friendly and gives me a accommodating look. She doesn't seem to be shocked by my choice of clothes but there could be a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Maybe she, just like me, is thinking that I have the wrong floor. And I really can't blame her because I'm pretty sure I'm the first and the last person to walk out of that elevator into this reception area wearing what I'm wearing. I've messed up big time.

And to think I thought this outfit was amazing! Now, standing here, this killer combo of jeans, a vintage KISS T-shirt and Nike Air-Force 1's suddenly feels less killer and more like killing my chances of getting this mysterious deal my agent hasn't said much about. Except that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. She says that a lot though.

I fidget with my blazer and even though I'm not sure it helps at all, I'm suddenly very glad my flatmate forced me to wear it. The blazer isn't adding a lot of sophistication to the overall look but at least it's covering my tattoos.

I take a few steps closer towards the desk and hope my voice doesn't reveal how nervous I am. "Yes, hello, I'm here to see Mr. Nolen. I'm Nora... Nora Shaw," I say and manage a weak smile. I'm relieved when the receptionist returns my smile. Maybe I'm just overreacting. Yes, I'm quite certain I'm thinking about this too much. I mean, this is a management firm and they manage creative talents, so I'm sure I'm not the only creative person to wear jeans and a T-shirt for a meeting. Yes, nothing to worry about.

While my brain is trying to calm itself, the receptionist gives an almost unnoticeable glance at my T-shirt before turning away to look at the computer screen. Shit, definitely the wrong outfit.

After what feels like minutes is actually only a few clicks on the keyboard. Then the receptionist sets her focus back on me: "Of course, right this way, Mrs. Shaw."

She leads me out of the reception area from the right, through the glass doors, we pass a few unoccupied offices, and one with a very angry man who seems to be yelling at his client, and we finally arrive in a conference room located at the corner of the building. We stand on the door step for a few awkward seconds but I'm sure this is not as awkward for her, than it is for me. She asks me if I want anything to drink.

"Coffee, please. Black, no sugar," I reply and I wait for her to leave before curiously looking around. Just like the reception area this room looks way too fancy for my taste. There's another huge LeDi Management sign above the wall on my left. I get a bit closer and realise that up close the letters don't look as shiny. Probably not real gold. I scratch at the letter "g" a bit and chuckle at the idea of somebody seeing me doing this. The ridiculousness of the act calms my nerves a bit.

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