Chapter 9

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"Take it to the streets, defund the police, no justice, no peace!" You shout in unison with the vast crowd behind you. The energy is overwhelming in the best way possible and you feel like with this much power anything could be achieved. 

Rather than slow down, the movement has only gained momentum, the crowds growing bigger everyday. The news doesn't cover it as much as before, but you know the worldwide outrage hasn't settled. It won't settle until justice is served. 

After your eventful morning, Riot and Tank, helmets fastened securely over their faces, cooked a quick breakfast before leaving for the protest, you happily bouncing along behind them.

Your mood felt more uplifted than it had in the days previous, something about the collective outrage making you feel empowered and hopeful for real change beyond meaningless statements and superficial murals. 

This morning you had left the discreetly hidden apartment, hand in hand with the two giant soldier-like men, comfortable conversation being mindlessly exchanged on the brief walk to the meeting point. You remember being disarmed when you realized how natural this dynamic felt, strange that you had so quickly trusted the two men beside you. 

Having come to distrust most men you met, a product of multiple bad relationships and an asshole father, this sense of security felt almost alien, but you couldn't bring yourself to refuse it. The remainder of your walk you had felt the ghost of a smile across your lips as you relish in the feeling of safety.

Now you were mid shout and the feeling hadn't dissipated. If anything it had only grown stronger, the satisfaction at facing the police head-on and yelling at them as they sat still and could do nothing but take it. 

Some of them you could see had regret in their eyes, maybe for entering a profession built on a foundation of racism and discrimination. You hoped they felt ashamed for choosing what you knew would be the wrong side of history. 

After you felt satisfied with the amount of pigs you'd yelled at, you move on to go check back at the medic tent, just to make sure nobody had passed out from heat stroke. 

As you move to walk away, a hand comes to rest on your shoulder.

"Where are you running off to sweetheart?" Tank asks. In your rush to leave you'd almost forgotten to let them know where you were going. You turn to face Tank and Riot, able to feel their questioning gaze even through the layers of protection covering their faces. 

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to check the medic tent to see if they need any help, don't worry," You say. 

"I'll go with you, you know how important it is to abide by the buddy system," Tanks says, grabbing you hand and pulling you along in the direction of the tent. You shoot Riot a quick salute, your face carrying an amused expression at Tank's obvious protectiveness, before Tank yanks you away. 

You feel a quick swat across your ass and turn indignantly to catch the culprit, only to be met with Tank looking the other way.

"Stop it," you say, trying to muster a serious expression on your face but failing to hide the corners of your mouth twitching upwards. 

Tank raises his hands in surrender, "Whoa, slow down sweetheart, what're you blaming me for? I'm a complete gentleman," he says. 

You roll your eyes with a huff, "Yeah, okay."

If anybody was the gentleman here, it was Riot, but that didn't mean you appreciated Tank's playful banter any less. If anything, the two conflicting personalities balanced out perfectly. You could see why they made such a good team. 

As you near the medic tent, you hear the sound of yelling and see a crowd gathered nearby. You look to Tank and he must understand your attempt to silently communicate because you both quickly up the pace to a jog.

When you reach the site you realize the crowd is yelling in anger and desperation. A cacophony of protesters yelling "No" and "Please stop!" meets your ears. 

Gently pushing your way through the crowd, you get to the front only to see a group of cops overcrowding the medic tent. You realize they're trying their best to destroy all of the supplies people had donated; slicing open water bottles, dumping out crackers and stepping on them, throwing clean gauze onto the dirty ground. 

You see red. Filled to the brim with fury, you step forward.

"I'm sorry but what the fuck do you think you're doing, who do you think you are?" You yell, getting in the faces of the officers committing a crime in public in front of a group of a hundred citizens. You try to pick up some of the surviving supplies off the ground and pass them back to the crowd to protect, but an officer brutally grabs you by the shoulders and shoves you to the ground. 

The impact forces a grunt from your mouth as pain erupts near your elbow. You wince as you look down to take in the damage. There's blood quickly pooling at the skin near your elbow, but it's not a deep gash, just slight road-burn that bleeds quite a bit and looks way worse than it is. 

At the sight of blood, the other protesters in the crowd start roaring in anger. Tank must have finally reached the front because a shadow appears to looms over your figure. Looking up, you see Tank pressing his finger into the chest of the officer that pushed you. 

He looks comically large veering down at the short pig, and though you can't hear what he's saying over the gathered crowd, the look of fear across the officers face tells you enough. 

With one final push back, the officer stumbles backwards and Tank turns to you. 

The cops must have realized that there weren't enough of them to handle an angry mob because they start retreating back towards wherever they came from. 

Smiling at the sight, you move your gaze to look at Tank crouching down in front of you. He reaches forward to gently encircle your wrist with his long fingers, surprising with how delicate the touch was, especially coming from such a large and intimidating figure. 

He slowly turned your wrist to look at the slight injury and you quickly rushed to soothe him.

"It looks way worse than it is, it's just a road-burn, it's really not deep at all," You rush out, trying to ease his fretting. He looks down and shakes his head.

You raise the hand he isn't gripping to the side of his helmet, cradling it as if it were his face. His head raises to look at you.

"Seriously, I'm fine," You say sincerely, hopefully meeting his gaze under the helmet. You hear a heavy sigh leave him. 

"Alright sweetheart, let's go get you patched up," he says, but his voice sounds strange. Rather than the playful tone usually accompanying the nickname, there's a heavier and more serious undercurrent. You don't like it. 

You move to get on your feet but let out a yelp when two large arms come to circle under your knees and behind you back, lifting you bridal style. 

"I am not some fair maiden that will faint at the sight of blood, my own two feet are perfectly stable," You say playfully, rolling your eyes at Tank in false annoyance. 

Rather than flirt back like he usually would, he remains silent.


okay guys sorry it's been a while, life's been kinda hectic with all of the protesting going on so i haven't had much time or energy to write.

has anybody heard from the spec ops guys? also i've heard there are a bunch of new ones. pls fill me in on all the info i'm missing bc twitter is confusing me. 

big bummer abt the black panther girl just being an actress :(

don't forget that this fight isn't over, until justice is served and our system is reformed and fixed, we will not be silenced. continue to educate yourself and others. black lives matter. 

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