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Once I can't see Lena's cab anymore I go back inside & tell everyone goodnight.

"Goodnight Daniel. Don't forget 9:30 Alright?"

"Yes Chef. Goodnight."

I pat him on the back & head to the kitchen.

"Goodnight Darcy. Mm whoever you making that for is on lucky person."

She smiles.

"Thank You Chef."

I head to my locker and grab my coat, hanging up my apron and putting my chefs hat in there.

I turn around.

"Alright everybody. As much a I would love to chat with all of you before I go. I have to do inventory tomorrow. So, with today being..."

"Wednesday Chef."

"Thank you Darcy. With today being Wednesday. I shall see you all again, Saturday."

"Yes Chef."

"Alright take care everyone. It smells mighty fine in here, and one day I promise on one of our closed days. I will make a feast for all of you."

They cheer.

"Alright. See y'all later."

I head out and I see someone familiar at Table 11.

"Mister Nichols. I almost didn't recognize you. You lost so much weight."

"Keto Diet, works like a charm."

I chuckle.

"How are the kids?"

"Oh just fine. Home watching a movie."

"Well it was good talking to you Mister Nichols."

I shout over at Daniel.


"Yes Chef."

"I will cover Mister Nichols meal."

"Yes Chef."

I pat Mister Nichols on the back.

"Have a nice night Mister Nichols."

"You too."

"Alright Bye."

I head outside & walk to my apartment.

I leave my car at my apartment when I am working because work isn't far from home.

I head up to the seventh floor which is a pain because the elevator stopped working so I had to take the stairs.

I go to room 782 and unlock the door.

I go inside and take off my jacket.

I kick off shoes & line them up.

Then I head to the couch.

I text  Daniel to make sure he doesn't forget.

Don't forget my keys Daniel. Be there tomorrow by 9:30 am. Thanks for your hard work ~ Chef

Then my phone buzzes with a text.



I get home and I go up to the second floor.

I go room 243 & head inside.

My apartment is sort of messy.

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