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I woke up normal time with small sun beams hitting my face. I looked at the Callander I'd hung up on the wall checking the date while sliding from under my covers. "Woah it's officially autumn." I smiled a little autumn was my favourite season the colder weather perfect for warm sweaters and scarfs, the beauty of the falling warm coloured leaves and the sweet smell in the air that just smelled a little different in the chilly streets. I sighed happily while streatching out and going through my routine aloud.

"Phew ok then, wake up kno- nope.. then I need too go make breakfast, eat freshen up and see what's up this morning." I smiled to myself as I opened the window seeing the hustle and bustle of the streets not too far off in the distance being able to hear the soft noises of distant traffic already as people rushed to get to work. I took a deep breath of air through my nose the cold air brushing my nostrils and refreshing my lungs.

I made my way downstairs deciding to make my favourite autumn breakfast...... the food from the bakery down the road. I let giorno know I was going to the bakery before putting on the same long coat I wore last time and my shoes. I locked the door behind me venturing down the road with trishes I pod playing music softly in my ears. She had pretty good taste, the music was very slow and flows, perfect to an early morning walk to the bakery. I swayed slightly down the street before coming to the door of the bakery and walking in. I picked out a selection of pastries and cakes eventually taking an armful to the cashier.

The shop was small and had that old towny feel with its wooden floor walls and die ty shelves, there was a mahogany counter shined perfectly with soft brown accents giving it almost a woodland vibe. The shop smelled like freshly baked cupcakes and sweets and the constant puffing of the ovens made it warm and inviting, with both the warm feeling and the enticing smell it felt like a sin not to go in and buy something.

"Would you like a bag" the cashier asked her voice just as sweet as the treats I'd packed and her smile even sweeter. I nodded handing her the total that showed up on the little register and she bid me a nice day as I did the same. I ended up leaving with a cinnamon roll for everyone plus a few pumpkin bread slices that I'd dish out as a snack later on with some handmade maple leaf shaped chocolates that had maple syrup inside.

Immidietly after entering the mansion I hung the coat up and slipped off my shoes and walking to the dining room placing out a plate and stacking the cinnamon flavoured treats on it with a small note on a card "take one each I went and baught them for everyone.<3 -diane". I propped up the note and threw away the plastic wrapping that was around the pastry I'd already eaten while walking to the bread bin in the corner of the kitchen placing the bag of pumpkin bread slices in it and walking to my room.

I slumped down on my bed throwing the little striped paper bag of chocolates on the other side of my bed. I huffed deeply realising how tired I was in the moment. I quickly undressed gathering a fluffy red towel from my closet and the clothes that fugo had gotten me along with a plain colour black loose shirt.

I turned on the shower and got inside feeling the hot water splash on my back and cover me in a comforting and calming heat creating heat from my skin and turning it slightly red. "Ahhhhhhh I love a good hot shower on a morning like this" I muttered to myself picking up my shampoo and massaging it into my hair and scalp.

After a lengthy and warm shower I changed into the shirt and jeans tucking in the shirt and cuffing the jeans twice. I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair brushing it through and feeling how soft it was. I decided to put my blonde locks into a braid instead of having them fall down my shoulders and then slipped on the pastel oversized sweater and my shoes. I peered into the mirror happy with everything before putting on the strawberry jewel Roy that fugo had gifted me plus the little ladybird earrings that I'd been given by giorno that were a powder purple version of his broaches.

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