Chapter four

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??? Pov
I'm currently at the wedding and it looks amazing. Okay I gotta get y/n and turn her into her parents. Mom and Dad would be so happy. "Hey y/n. Long time no see" I say to my sister. "Jungkook you're here" she says as I hug her. "Can we talk" I ask her. "Yeah what's up" she says fixing her dress. "Mom and Dad are on their way tell Taehyung and his men to bring guns they're gonna come to try and take you. Please I need you to stay with Taehyung. I don't want mom and dad to hurt you." He says hugging me. "I'll text him" She says as she hugs me tightly. "Thank you for telling big brother" she tells me.
"I'll text him" I tell Jungkook hugging him tightly. I get my phone out and text Taehyung.
Y/n: make sure your men have guns including you get ready for a battle. My parents are coming to try and take me.
Read at 3:45 PM
Taehyung pov
I get a text from y/n and looked at it shocked. "APPA GET THE GUNS" I yell to him. "Why so son?" He asks. I show him the message and he gets his men to get prepared including the groomsmen. "Taehyung what's going on? Why do we need out guns?" Jimin asks me. "Y/ns parents" I say and left him in shock. "What about y/n?" Jimin asks. "I'll take her you keep them distracted along with Hoseok and Jin." I say with no emotion.
Y/n pov
I keep looking at Jeon for signals. He gives me a certain that I know. I lightly squeezed Taehyung hands and right that the moment I heard gunshots. "LADIES GO GO GO" I heard Rose say. "Jimin go I'll take y/n" Taehyung says as he picks me up bridal style and runs inside the house. He takes me straight into his room and locks the door. "How'd you know this?" He asks me as he holds my shaking body. "It was Jungkook that told me." I say about to cry. "Hey hey shhh don't worry I'm here I'm here hey don't cry" Taehyung holds me tighter. "I'm sorry this is my fault" I says breaking down. "No this is not your fault you're only following a deal to prevent your brother from getting killed. Listen I promised I'd protect you at all cost and I will stick to that promise always" he says making me look at him. We stay there and he goes in kissing me. I open my eyes wide shocked that he did that but I eventually kiss back we kiss for a while and then we heard knocking. "Taehyung they're gone but they said it isn't over" I hear a man say. "We'll watch our back Hoseok. Thank you for telling me" he says to the man. We exit the room and finish the wedding. At this point I can say I'm Mrs.Kim Y/n.
Taehyung pov
~4 months after the wedding~
I wake up and see y/n by my side. I wake up and told her to get ready. "Hey get ready" I tell her. "Mm what for?" She says looking at me smiling. She has a beautiful smile. "Surprise" I told her getting up. "Aish okay" she says getting up. We get ready and we head off.
Y/n pov
I have a surprise for Taehyung too but I'm worried he won't be too happy with it. We leave and get to a park. He has a picnic and I look in awe. Wine. Oh I can't drink wine it'll be bad for me. We sit down on the blanket. "Taehyung. I have to tell you something" I say looking at him. "Yes love?" He says looking up. "Uh you remember that night when we Uh you know did it?" I asked him looking away slowly. "Yeah why?" He says still with his eyes on me. "Well uh I'm uh pregnant" I say looking down. "WHAT WE'RE GONNA HAVE A LITTLE KIM BABY?!!!" He says jumping and looking at me about to cry. "Yes" I say about to cry. "Oh my god love we are having a baby" he says going to my belly. "Yes we are." I say touching his hand where my belly was. "How many?" He asks. "Two months" I say happily. He gets his phone and dials someone. "APPA YOURE GONNA BE A GRANDPA" he says excitedly. I hear his dad "excellent son we are gonna have a little version of me running around" he says laughing. "Aish no" Tae says as he hangs up. We get up and head home. I'm so happy with this man.
Hey hey 💜 hope you like it 💜

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