Chapter six

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Time skip
Taehyung pov
It's been six months and our little jeongsan is as handsome as ever. I keep making faces at him to make him laugh. "Mo- mo- momma" I hear him say pointing at the door. "OMG HE SAID IT HE SAID I WIN THE BET" I hear y/n behind me. "You sir owe me a fancy dinner at any restaurant I want" she says as she hugs me tightly. Me and y/n made a bet to see who he calls out to when he was about 3 months old. "Or I can give you another kid" I whisper in her ear. "Oí not in front of the kid" she pushes me lightly. "I'm kidding love or am I?" I say to her. "Da- dada" we both hear jeongsan say. "OMG TAE BABY HE SAID IT" I hear y/n as she picks him up. "Tae come quick y/n hide along with the baby" a panicked Hoseok came in. "As a matter of fact JIMIN TAKE Y/N SOMEWHERE ELSE ITS GONNA GET UGLY" I say as joking comes and takes y/n.
Y/n pov
Jimin grabs my wrist and leads me to secret tunnels. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Away from here they started a war with us they already killed Taehyungs dad" he says turning around and opening his car door for me. I get weak and just fall in the car. I break down into tears. "It's my fault isn't it" I say in between sobs. "Hey no it's not your fault. The Jeon family has always been like this but they can't stop us ok?" He looks at me. "Mhm" I nod lightly. He starts driving and we drive to somewhere far from here.
*time skip*
Taehyung pov
God damn it why do they keep coming? I say walking into my dads office. Uh. Wait. No. He's- he's dead? I say falling and crying. I yell as loud as I can causing my men to come. "Sir what's- oh Mr.Kim. He died?" I hear Hoseok say. "FIND THEM AND KILL THEM I WANT THEM ALL FUCKING DEAD. GO NOW" I say getting in my car and driving towards the area  y/n and jimin are. I eventually get there and see y/n with jeongsan. "Tae" I hear her say and I immediately fall to my knees.
Y/n pov
I give the baby to jimin  and run to him. "I heard I know I know it's hard my love" I say caressing his back. "Why didn't you say anything Jimin?" He says looking towards him. "I was gonna sir but I had to get y/n fast" he says. "Understandable" he says hugging me. "Come on honey let's go home and I'll make you food" I say leading him to the car. "Mhm jimin?" He looks at him and Jimin gets in the car. We head home and Tae wouldn't stop crying. "It's gonna be okay baby he was a great man" I say playing with his head.
Authors pov
You all get home and see taes men lined up including Jisoo Lisa Jennie and Rose.  They were all crying. You and Tae just walk in and go into your room. You put Jeongsan down in his crib and hug Taehyung tightly as he cries into your shoulder. You both get on the bed and he looks at you and says "Promise you'll never leave me?" You look at him his glossy eyes. "Yes Taehyung I promise I won't leave you or Jeongsan behind." You say putting your head on chest. You guys looked into each others eyes. You begin kissing passionately. One thing lead to another and the rest y'all can imagine 😉😏. Let's just say that there might another child on the way. 🥰
Hey y'all it's been a while sorry I've been busy with a lot lately. But hope you enjoy this part love you all 💜

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