shy neard ship child x School bully

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We can talk about the ship, and the name of the child, and the bully but for this example let's call the child----

Nico. His name is Nico in this example.
And Roland for the bully. As an example.

Here's the plot:
When Nico was young he had an incident.
So, he has a prosthetic foot. His left eye is Blue while his right is brown. Other than that, he also has a speech impediment. He can't pronounce R's and some L's right.

"He sowta tawks wike this? He can't say things like Pwease, and pwetty" right. However he is smart. He studies all the time. He's 14 and yet he goes 2 grades above himself.
Because of his speech impediment he was bullied a lot and transferred schools. When he arrives at his new school, he has a small whiteboard.
The teacher introduces him, and he introduces himself by writing his name and age on the board. He decided to go selective mute so he wouldn't get bullied.

At the back of the class in a cornor, there's a guy named Roland(for example). Roland is the absolute king of the school. The tough guy. The bully.
The teacher unfortunately tells Nico that the only empty seat is beside Roland, so that's where he'll be sitting.
Nico sits down beside Roland, and the class goes on, with a few paperballs or pencils flying Nico's way.

At the end of the day Nico has already been picked on a little and is freaking out. His last class is P.E. he didn't want people to see his prosthetic foot.

In the changing room a guy pushed Nico against the wall, which made him panic, and cry, causing him to yell out "Pwase stop! Let go!"
Everyone is shocked and finds his impediment absolutely hilarious. But Roland doesn't. He's enraged and he has no idea why.

When they get out of the changing room the teacher scolds Nico for not wearing shorts, and Nico goes to change.

When he came back Roland was beating the guy who had pinned Nico against the wall earlier. Soon after Roland drags Nico to the bathroom stalls and pins him against the wall there. As before it made Nico cry, and panick. Roland quiets him and tells him, "Listen. I don't like you, but you're mine. No one else can touch you." And clips a collar around Nico's neck. Roland is in love with the boy without knowing it.

Nico's behavior is being shy and quiet and going along on everything so no one gets mad at him

Roland's behaviour- well- he's a special one.
Let's say his friends tells him that they're going out to eat Roland's reply would be "gimme a second! I gotta go grab something-" grab Nico and be off to the dinner. Roland takes nico everywhere and can't help but to start baby'ing him because of the impediment. He doesn't care if people sees him doing it. It makes Nico embarrassed, which roland just finds adorable. If anyone dares to hirt Nico, Roland is sure to hurt them.
He treats Nico like a child.
If Nico doesn't wanna go out Roland will still bring him along, but he would never force him to something like smut stuff.

It's the kind of Bully x shy nerd thing.

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