Chapter III - Reconciliation

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10th January, 2020

I quietly knock on the door of the only classroom with the lights still on, before I carefully push the door open and step in. I've got a cup of tea in my hands for Linda, the teacher hosting the Friday detention. We were supposed to be going for drinks after the day ended, but two things got in our way - this detention being one of them.

"Hey," I whisper as I approach Linda's desk, and set the mug on the table, "here's that tea I promised you twenty minutes ago."

"Thank you, Cecily." Linda grins up at me, dragging the mug closer to her. She doesn't normally host the Friday detention - it's usually managed by one of the older teachers who's closer to retirement. Linda isn't as young as I appear but she can be good fun after a couple of glasses of pinot grigio. "How are you feeling?"

"Rubbish." I sigh with a small smile.

"Are you going home?"

I nod, but the gesture is barely there. "Yep, and getting straight into bed."

"Don't blame you. Have a steady weekend, as well."

"I will."

"Proper like your skirt, Miss Coeur."

I look from Linda to a boy at the back of the room. I'm fighting a smile because the comment reminds me of what Harry had said in the woods a little over a week ago. "Pardon?"

The boy smirks, and he's not entirely unfamiliar. He usually comments on something anytime he passes me in the hallway. "Your skirt, Miss. It's well nice."

I narrow my eyes slightly but only because I'm still amused. I'm also mildly embarrassed that it took Harry to mention it for me to realise that boys in this school do notice me. Not that I'd be bothered if they didn't. Because that would be weird. "Thank you, Jason. But I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be talking in the middle of detention."

"You're also not supposed to make inappropriate comments about faculty members." Linda seconds, a flat glare pointed in Jason's direction.

"Sorry, Miss." He mutters, dropping his head back down.

A gasp escapes someone - one of the girls on the far side of the room. Shortly after a few giggles escape from her, along with her friend sat behind her. I frown a little at their strange behaviour, and follow their flustered eye line out into the hallway. It's a gift and a curse that these classrooms are lined with interior windows.

My heart flips when I see Harry standing just outside chatting to one of the other teachers. I'm confused but also elated by his reappearance, not to mention overwhelmed with a new urgency to get home.

"Girls, be quiet." Linda hisses, before looking back to me. "Don't know what's wrong with the kids in here sometimes."

I think I do. My own cheeks are probably bright pink. I glance to my palm, and my eyes widen when I find it purple rather than the usual magenta it glows whenever he randomly shows up. I'm embarrassed? How can I be embarrassed?

"I'll see you on Monday." I mutter absently as I wander back towards the classroom door.

I hear Linda's well-wishes as I depart but I don't acknowledge them - far too preoccupied with Harry's new materialisation. The moment I close the door behind me he abandons his conversation with Mrs Hill and turns his attention to me.

"Oh, I didn't realise you were still here, Miss Coeur." Natalie laughs awkwardly, taking a step backwards. "You're not normally here this late on a Friday."

I fight a huff at her snarky comment. I work my paid hours and then I go home. Just because I'm not tied to a class of thirty irritating children until half past three every Friday afternoon, it doesn't give her the right to make petty digs at the fact that I get to leave at two o'clock on the last day of the week. Today is a one off. I don't know what it is, but I've always had this feeling that she's never liked me. Who am I kidding, I know she doesn't like me. Why, is the real thing I don't know. Not that I care, she's married with two children and cheats on her husband every week with someone new. I'm almost certain she's after Harry as her next target.

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