The World

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Officer Lycan looked at me. "How come out of all of your friends you survived?"

"I don't know. I didn't even think I'd wake up, honestly."

"In every other case, everyone died. In this one two of you did."

"Danny's still alive?"

Officer Lycan looked at me, unconvinced. "You didn't know?"

"I rammed my head against a car. I didn't know anything that happened after that, until I woke up."

Officer Lycan paused. "This all just"

"Because we made it out?"

Officer Lycan nodded.

I paused. "Wait, do you think Danny and I killed all of our friends and made all this up?"

Officer Lycan just looked at me.

"You're an idiot to think that. What sick person creates up a story like the one I just told?"

He didn't say anything. He leaned back in his chair.

"I watched my girlfriend of two years get shredded like a fucking piece of paper and you think I caused it." Tears gathered in my eyes. "She fucking helped me out of my depression and you think I wanted her to die..."

Officer Lycan cleared his throat. "I don't know what to think, honestly. But I do know every angle has to be checked."

I rolled my eyes and took a breath. "Look, I know you think everyone is a suspect at this point, but the last thing I would ever do is kill the people that are the reason I made it this far in the first place."

Officer Lycan paused. "I'm going to go speak with my superintendent before we go any further." He stood up.

I listened to his seat slide across the tile floor. I watched him leave. All I could pay attention to was the cold metal against my back and the eeriness of the room. I watched the clock slowly tick by.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Officer Lycan walked back into the room.

I looked up at him.

"We're letting you go for now," he said. "But be prepared for more questioning in the future."

"Of course," I mumbled, as I stood up.

"Your family is waiting outside."

I hesitated. My parents. My sister. What was I supposed to tell them? I couldn't retell the same story I just told Officer Lycan.

"Are you okay?" Officer Lycan asked.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." I took a breath and squared my shoulders before leaving the room. Officer Lycan walked with me to the front. I saw my parents talking with Danny's mother. I could see the worry lines on Danny's mother's face.

My mother had her grey cardigan wrapped tightly around her. She was still in her work scrubs with brown slippers. There was a frown etched on her forehead, as she spoke.

My little sister was standing close to my mom, clutching on to her leg.

My father was behind my sister, gently rubbing her back. He rubbed his other hand on his pants, as if it was sweaty.

My mom saw me first. Tears were pouring down her face. "My baby!" She engulfed me in a hug.

A sob I didn't realize was there escaped my mouth.

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