Chapter 4

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We reached the cave and Bellamy put Octavia down on the ground. while we were going in side we heard this horn and then we saw this yellowish smoke or fog I immediately ran inside the cave and so did Bellamy and Octavia.

"What the hell was that" i asked Bellamy.

"How the hell am I supposed to know, I'm wondering the same thing"

After he said that I went to my pack to get out my gear to set my sleep thing up and so did the others. after we set our stuff up we got a fire starting cuz it was dark and cold I could tell they were bored but I had my notepad and a pencil so I was drawing.

"Hey princess, whatcha drawing?"

"God, Bellamy stop sneaking up on me and scaring the hell out of me, and something"

"What's something"

"Something's none of your business"

"Ok but how did you find that stuff"

"I found a bunker not far from here yesterday"

"And you never thought to tell us"

"I did I just thought it would be best to keep it to myself incase
I don't want to be found" by this time Octavia was already asleep and my eyes were getting heavy as well so I just laid down and passed out as soon as my head hit the ground.


When I woke up I was irritated instantly from my sister pouring water on my face. "ok, ok I'm up"

"Come on dry off" she said handing me a rag "were going to look for the stuff were out here for."

"Ok and next time save the water and just wake me up some other way, alright?"

"Whatever you say big brother" she said gathering her stuff I noticed that Clarke wasn't in the cave and her stuff wasn't either "hey where's Clarke?"

"Oh she went to get some water she said she'd be back in ten"

"How long ago did she say that" I said with a little concern in my voice.

"Don't worry she left right before I woke you up she said she saw a lake before we ran in here to escape the fog or smoke stuff, she said she would leave us a trail"

As we were walking I heard a twig snap behind us I immediately got my knife out and quickly turned around and almost killed Clarke "the hell i almost killed you why'd you sneak up on us"

"Idk i was bored and it was fun except for almost being killed by you" she said gesturing to my knife still against her throat. I put my knife back in my pocket and we started to walk around and look for like sticks and stuff like that.

we came up to a water fall and then Clarke said "Bellamy turn around"


"Cuz we're going in" she said and u turned around. I waited a while and then turned back around without warning

"BELLAMY! What the hell we didn't say you could turn around yet!" She yelled at me she was still in her pants but she had her shirt off and who could blame me I sorta scanned her whole figure.

"Hey! Bellamy my eyes are up here and turn around I'll tell you when you can turn back around"

"Fine but then I'm going In too"

"Okay but stay at least stay 5 ft away from me cuz I don't want you to see my under clothes"

"Whatever you say princess"

sorry guys I wasn't looking and I accidentally pressed the publish button cuz I'm doing his on my phone and I had nothing written aka writers block so yeah sorry for that and happy New Years we made it to 2k15 ! 😘 luv ya guys

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