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(not giving it away or anything but... WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞)

yerim got out of the taxi and found the tall gates that lay before jungkook's residence. her whole body was still sizzling with anger as she keyed the 4-number pin into the password block. with a welcoming beep, the gates opened and she lividly made her way to the large, fancy door that was now the only thing standing in between herself and jungkook.

yerim pounded at the door for several seconds, ignoring the pain signals that were being sent to her brain whilst her hand turned an interesting cherry-red, before the door finally swung open.

there he was: jungkook stood there with a spatula in hand, sporting a simple white t-shirt, plain grey joggers and a head of messy hair, whilst yerim shoved her way past him and into his house. her eyes couldn't help but scan the room and yerim almost froze in complete awe of how large, tidy and expensive his entire place seemed. within seconds, she also got attacked by a lovely and delicious aroma of... was that kimchi fried rice? she didn't even know jungkook could cook!

shaking her head, she returned to her raging thoughts and aggressively swirled back to jungkook, who had only just realised who the small figure that suddenly barged in to his house was.

"yerim? what the hell are you doing here?!"

glaring at him with ice-cold daggers for eyes, she gritted her teeth and took a deep breath in. "i'm not worth it?!" she spat out, her anger heightening to a new level.

jungkook stood there still, confused for a few moments, until he realised what this was all about. chuckling to himself, he walked past yerim and returned to the rice that was sizzling deliciously on the hob.

"what do you mean i'm not worth it? i am completely worth everything!" yerim stayed rooted on the spot, the fire inside of her almost doubling after seeing jungkook's cocky and nonchalant attitude.

"ok, whatever you say..." jungkook muttered lightly with another egotistical chuckle, turning the gas off the hob and setting his spatula aside before spinning around with his arms crossed. "say, don't you have a date you're supposed to be off to right about now?"

"oh, i'm not going anywhere. not until you admit that you were wrong." yerim barked, crossing her arms just the same and taking a few steps closer.

jungkook sighed, "then go ahead and cancel your date, sunshine, because that won't be happening anytime soon."

yerim's eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. "who the fuck do you think you are? you have no right to have any opinion on me," yerim seethed, "when you were the one that kept pushing yourself on to me! since the very beginning! it was always you being inappropriate and, for christ's sake, it was you who kissed me during that christmas party when i had only been working for a couple weeks!" yerim almost screamed in to his face, letting everything out as she prodded her index finger sharply into his chest.

"oh as if you didn't kiss back-" he interrupted.

"i was half drunk!" yerim shrieked in utter disbelief. "believe me, if i was as aware and enthusiastic as i could have been, you would have been left in a state of shock."

"ha," he smirked, "i highly doubt that."

suddenly, yerim felt the need to prove herself to him — she'd do so in a way that would make jungkook completely and definitely want her, and then she could walk away from his arrogant ass and squash that overpowering ego he had. stepping closer to him and inching herself up so the two were almost touching noses, she snarled, "i could show you right now".

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