Carnival Nights: Run

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Theme song for this chapter: RUN

"Ah, Taehyung, stop it! I can't breathe!"

I squeal as Taehyung continues to tickle the life out of me, laughing like an evil maniac as we travel to the filming location. We left at the crack of dawn so we could get there in time, but the boys refused to tell me exactly where we were going. We took bigger vans this time so the camera crew can film the journey over. I'm in the car with Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok.

"Aww, but you're so cute when you giggle like that!" Taehyung says teasingly, earning a playful shove.

"Don't make me call Gisselle now!" I said, and the look of fear that was plastered on his face was PRICELESS.

Gisselle had come by earlier to do our hair for today, and it took her about two seconds to get all of the guys done. Since my hair is so thick and reaches my waist, she had to spend a lot more time on it.

As she was straightening my hair for the day, Taehyung decided to burst in half naked. He still had pants on but his shirt was nowhere to be found. Of course this took me by surprise, not that I haven't seen him shirtless before but he's never busted into my room like that.

"Noona!" he cried, rushing over to my side. "Jungkook ate the last red bean cake that I was saving for my breakfast toda- ouch!" Taehyung rubbed his head as a sandal flew into his face.

"OIGA,CHAMACO! ¿QUE TE DIJE? SI ENTRARAS A ESTA CUARTO, LOS PEGARÍA CON MI CHANCLA!" Gisselle said angrily, putting her chancla back on. "I told you boys not to interrupt while I'm working unless it was an ACTUAL emergency! And put a shirt on, you can't barge into a girls room like that!"

Taehyung's face fell in shock, and he hurriedly made his escape from the room. I felt so awful for the poor boy, as soon as Gisselle was done with my hair I went ahead and made some more red bean cakes to hopefully cheer him up.

It seemed to work, a smile was back on Taehyung's face the moment he saw me bring a whole bunch of them to his room. He insisted we share them together, so after he thankfully put on a shirt we spent the rest of our free time this morning eating bean cakes and talking about the newest fashion trends.

"Don't worry, I'm just kidding," I say, looking over to the front of the car to find a camera aimed in my direction. The other boys laugh at my confused expression. "What's so funny?" I ask, and thankfully Jin is kind enough to explain.

"Well, Hobi was just saying that you and Taehyung probably get along the most."

"Yah, it's because we're made for each other!" Taehyung says with a grin, wrapping me in a bear hug and pulling me over a bit so we are both in the center. I roll my eyes, pulling out my phone as I lean into him.

"I mean, I think I'm made for all of you," I tease, causing the older boys to hold their hands to their hearts with a smile on their faces.

"Ah, our princess says the cutest things," Hoseok leans over from his seat behind us and kisses my cheek. "So adorable!"

"Aish, I'm not adorable!" I protest, proceeding to play some puzzle game on my phone. Taehyung and I stayed like this for the rest of the drive, his back against the door and me practically in his lap.

Occasionally he tries to help me get through a level, even though I don't really need it. I'm good at puzzle games but I don't mind his help, it just makes me get through the level faster.

I ended up falling asleep partly through the drive, since I had to get up the earliest in order to be ready on time. I wake up to someone's hand on my face, pulling my cheek lightly.

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