An Intervention

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Roman gripped the small box in his hand as tight as he thought humanly possible, his knuckles turning white in response. He pressed himself against the wall, his lack of height working to his advantage for once. His heartbeat was ringing in his ears, frightening him slightly. He closed his eyes and prayed. He didn't know who it was for but he hoped someone was listening.

"Hello?" The stranger called from down the hallway, their voice echoing against the walls and sending a chill dancing down Roman's spine. Snap out of it. Roman chastised himself. I've been doing this for years, why on earth am I losing my nerve now? The answer was the voice calling out to him. It was familiar.

"Just come out thief, less harm will be done if you just return what you took willingly. However, my patience is running low so I suggest you make it hasty." The voice called out again, this time harbouring a dangerous edge. Roman considered his options. Make a run for some type of exit and risk running into a guard or surrender to the person on his tail, putting him at their mercy. This is what he got for thinking he could steal from royals.

Roman's next bet was whether he actually knew the person following him or that his sleep-deprived mind was playing tricks on him. He peaked out from his hiding place cautiously and his eyes strained to make out the stranger's features in the badly lit hall. He moved closer, knowing he was risking giving his location away. The light caught on something the person was wearing and Roman realised it was a pair of glasses. From underneath them, deep blue eyes could be seen, eyes that Roman knew all too well. "Logan?"

Logan turned to where Roman's voice came from to see that the boy was halfway between a window and a bookcase. Logan's eyes widened at the sight of his best friend clad in dark clothes, hiding from him. "Roman?!" Logan cried, moving over to Roman quickly. As soon as Roman heard Logan's tone he knew he was in trouble. He squeaked and tried to get away but Logan grabbed the back off his shirt roughly and he was tugged backward.

Logan was angry, no, furious with Roman and both of them could tell. Logan turned the smaller boy to face him and grabbed Roman's collar, pulling him up so his face was at level with his own. "Explain what the hell you're doing here right now." He hissed quietly, obviously as anxious as Roman was about being caught.

Roman shook his head as well as a person can when they're being pulled off the ground by the collar of their shirt. Which apparently, is not very well. "You explain what you're doing here first." He huffed, his legs swinging as he tried to get back onto the ground. "Also, please put me down, I quite like being on the ground."

Logan rolled his eyes but reluctantly set Roman down. He grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled him along, down more lavish hallways and up a flight of cold marble stairs. Roman tried to protest but Logan was swift to cut him off. "It's not safe to be talking with all the guards around. Just be quiet for once and trust me." Logan demanded, his tone serious. Roman, instead of snapping back, simply nodded.

After a bit of further navigation and evading guards, they arrived at a large pair of oak wood doors. Logan looked around cautiously before pulling Roman inside and shutting the doors behind them. Roman immediately found himself spellbound by the luxuriousness of the room around him. The colour scheme was navy blue and silver and it was packed with furniture. Most noticeably a huge comfortable looking bed, a desk covered in books of all types and a large closet full of clothes. "Wow."

Logan gave Roman's shoulder a shove, just enough to get his full attention. "I expect the jewel back to me and a full explanation or I may give in to my temptation to shove you out of the window." Logan snapped, rubbing the bridge of his nose like he was dealing with an overly annoying child. Which he believed he was since Roman had temper tantrums quite often. Logan was basically babysitting at this point, to bad he didn't get paid.

"That's not fair!" Roman objected, pouting childishly. He crossed his arms and fixed Logan with a glare. "How come I have to tell you first? You're the one who's wandering around the palace!" Roman cried, waving his hands around as he spoke, something he knew that Logan hated with a passion. He wasn't trying to annoy him but god he hated being yelled at. 

Logan rolled his lip between his teeth before grabbing Roman's wrist and pinning them to his sides. "Why are you always so impossible?! It's like arguing with a spoilt toddler!" Logan snapped, his eyes cold and narrowed on Roman. He looked almost like a parent scolding his child, he may as well be wagging his finger at the smaller boy and putting him in time out 

Roman fought back tears as he ripped his wrists out of Logan's grasp. "Spoilt?!" He scoffed, running a hand through his hair out of nervous habit. "The only reason I'm even in this stupid palace because I swore to take care of my brother!" The smaller boy spat, looking extremely frustrated as he stamped his foot on the ground.

Logan looked confused. "Why are you stealing to take care of your brother? No, why are you stealing from the palace to take care of your brother?!" Logan fumed, stepping closer to Roman, all but towering over him. "You told me your family was great! What on earth are you doing all of this for Roman?!" Logan asked, his features slightly softened with concern. 

"Well, I wasn't exactly royal the last time I checked! Oh and neither were you!" Roman snapped, his hands flailing around wildly as he spoke. "It's me, Lo! Did you not think to tell me about this?!" He cried, tears beginning to streak down his deep red cheeks as he yelled at Logan. He hated getting into arguments with his best friend but he was mad and emotional and Logan knew just how to press all of his buttons. 

Logan flinched slightly and looked away, rubbing the bridge of his nose again with a frustrated sounding sigh. "I knew you wouldn't understand. You always overreact, it's exhausting." Logan rolled his eyes before returning his gaze back to Roman. That one really hurt Roman, his heart beating in his ears as he shook his head.

Roman stomped forward and grabbed Logan by his collar, pulling him down to his height. "What're you-" Logan tried to ask, being cut off when Roman pressed his lips to the others. There was a moment of silence, neither of them moving, both scared of how the other would react. Then Logan was kissing back, his arms wrapped around Roman's hips as he pulled him closer. He parted for a second, devilish grin across his lips. 

"You should've done this so much earlier." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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