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Johnny shifted in bed, his eyes half opened as they espied his white bed sheets in the dim room. His hand ran over the comforter, moving his head to rest on his chin. He gazed listlessly into his open closet which seemed like a dark abyss.

The grip of their hand softened as it loosened from around the index finger on his, the sudden stiffness of their body or stoic, dark eyes. Why was this coming back to him all now?

Johnny sat up in dimness of his room, removing the covers from his lower body as he was quite ardent. He grabbed his charging phone from the charger, swiping the screen to open Instagram.

ᵀᵒᵈᵃʸ ²:²⁵ ᴬ.ᴹ.

hey I know it's
practically 3 a.m.

i can't sleep lmao uh i
was wondering when
we could see each
other again though

im gonna try to go to
bed now though, night

Johnny closed out of the app, shutting his phone off. He groggily picked himself up from his bed, carding through his own messy hair while walking to his dresser. He opened the top right drawer, pulling out a purple and white bottle. He twisted the top, tilting the bottle and allowing two melatonin pills to fall into his palm.

He sat back onto his bed, grabbing a half empty glass from his bedside table. The tall male struck his neck back as allowing the pills to slide down his throat with the water following shortly after.


Ten stretched against his bed, his sheets crinkled under his body with the elongated movement and groan. Turning over to the right side of his bed, he unplugged his phone from the charging cable and rolled over on his back as he unlocked the device. He scrolled down on the bar through his notifications, swiping away what was irrelevant until he clicked on Johnny's message.

ᵀᵒᵈᵃʸ ⁸:⁴⁸ ᴬ.ᴹ.

hey sorry i just woke up

but whenever you're free
we could arrange something

im not busy that often 💃

Ten clicked away and dropped his phone against the mattress. His puffy eyes were rubbed against with his wrist, he groaned following the action then forced himself up to the bathroom.

Scavenging through his cabinet, he grasped his blue toothbrush and squeezed a pea sized amount onto the bristles. As the action of brushing his teeth began, the short male slowly paced around the area of his room before the buzzing of his phone led him back to the bed.

ᵀᵒᵈᵃʸ ⁸:⁵⁴ ᴬ.ᴹ.

johnnyjsuh : i don't know
if it's too much to ask but
im free today

johnnyjsuh : maybe if you
wanna meet for breakfast?

that's not too much
at all 😁

in an hour at the
pancake house?

johnnyjsuh : yeah :))

Ten grinned through the toothbrush that was locked in his mouth. He sped to the bathroom, spitting into the sink and grasping the faucet handle to turn on the shower.


Johnny folded his arms over the wooden table. He awaited Ten's, having prioritized being punctual in contrast to the previous time. Ten walked in shortly after, dressed in a slightly over-sized, coffee colored sweater, pleated trousers, and black Vans. 

He seemed to scan the restaurant before his eyes landed on Johnny. His cheeks shone with a bubbly smile before walking over to table. He pulled the chair at, turning over to Johnny,"How long ago did you get here?"

Johnny leaned forward against the table,"Uh, maybe ten minutes? I didn't want to be late again."

Ten softly chuckled,"Well, you appeared before me, that's something to make up for the other night."

Johnny slid one if the two menus closer to him, flipping the first page open then looking back up at Ten,"I feel underdressed now."

The latter rested his chin against his palm,"I think your hoodie and sweats is a look. The circle glasses really pull it together."

Johnny softly smiled before suppressing it with a bite. A waiter walked over to the table, beginning,"Can I get you two started off with any drinks?"

Ten gazed down at the menu,"I'll just have a hot chocolate and water."

"Just a black coffee, please."

"Okay, I'll be right back with your beverages."

"So, how have you been these past couple of days?" the shorter male questioned.

"I've just been at home mainly. I don't go out unless invited somewhere or if it's necessary."

"Well, you initiated this invitation so that's progress. You don't have a day job though?"

Johnny's arm hung from his neck from the grip of his palm, his eyes scanning around the floor and table,"I don't really have to. The inheritance money from my parents kinda keeps me set. Especially since rent isn't that much. I'm not the type pf person that cares if I live lavishly or not."

"Inheritance?," Ten perked up, his expression slightly dropping,"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't mean to intrude on something personal."

"It's fine. It happened years ago and neither of them really... you know?"

Ten hummed in response,"I still don't wanna drag something out of you that you're not comfortable stating. This is only our second time meeting like this."

"No, seriously. I don't feel uncomfortable telling you you. I'd tell almost anyone if they asked."

The waiter returned, placing the two mugs and glass on the table,"Are you two ready to order yet?"

Ten looked up at the man,"A few more minutes will be fine."

"Got it."

Johnny ripped two sugar packets open, pouring the miniscule crystals into his coffee and stirring it slowly with a spoon,"Can I ask you something?"

Ten placed the mug down from his mouth,"Yeah, ask away."

Johnny opened his mouth and hesitated for a short bit,"Nevermind."

The latter slightly raised his right eyebrow,"Are you sure? I'm fine with answering anything."

He brought the mug up to his lips,"It's fine. It was nothing important."

Ten halfheartedly smiled through the tension,"I guess we can order now?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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