Chapter 1 |The Unsuspected Gift|

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"Will, Will, wake up." My kind maid Alexandra says shaking me from my sleep.

I sit up slowly and stare at her with tired, sunken eyes, 'What is it," I snap, "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?"

I look at my clock as she begins talking again, "They-"

"My God! It's four a.m.! You know to never disturb me until five!" I yell.

I feel the sharp pain of her slapping my face.

"Shut up you wimp and listen!" She screams.

I sink back in shock, 'I'm sorry miss. That was very rude of me."

"If you didn't have a British accent I would have never known you were raised in Great Britain as a proper young man because you are certainly not a gentleman! Now, what I was trying to say was they need you in the stable. Someone dropped off a mare and colt in one of the stalls, and the barn hands need you... NOW!"

I shoot out of bed, and Miss Alexandra puts my robe around me and ties it quickly. I slip into my slippers and run quickly down the stairs, careful not to fall.

Once I run out of my humongous front doors I see Daniel already waiting for me on the golf cart.

"Good morning, Will"

"Good morning, now, petal to the metal!"

Daniel nods his head and obeys my harsh words.

When we get to the giant cobblestone stable, I wait for Daniel to stop the golf cart on the walkway, so I wouldn't get my slippers soggy, and I step off of the golf cart.

"Good morning, sir." My stable's trainer Cameron Defranz says to me.

"Where is the mare and foal?"

"Right this way!" He says beckoning me to follow him.

I follow him to stall twenty-three. After Cameron opens it, I walk in to see the mare, peacefully, standing in the hay by her beautiful dark, black colt.

"Wow, he is fine!" I say slowly walking over to the foal.

"He is a yearling, sir. We suppose he is the mare's colt, and we suppose he has been weaned. We just put them both in here while one of the barn hands makes up a stall for the colt. This was tied to the mare's halter." Cameron says handing me a piece of paper.

I slowly open it to see the colt's pedigree. I knew right away the mare wasn't a famous racehorse. Her name was Miss Perfect Ten, and she was by Secret Slewrisky and out of Miss Jove. The Colt's sire caught my eye. His sire was the great Galileo.

"How could a Galileo colt be treated like nothing?"

"That's what I said."

Jerome, the barn hand that set up a stall for the colt, came running in.

"I can take the colt to his new stall, sir." He says walking up to me.

"Go right ahead, boy." I say handing the colt over to him.

He smiles and takes the lead rope. From behind, I follow them to the colt's new stall which was only three stalls down from the filly's. 

The big black colt playfully rammed Jerome in the side with his head. 

"Easy now." Jerome said as he unclasped the colts lead line. He squeezed through the open stall door and closed it back.

I turn to Cameron, "Cameron, I want you to start training the colt as soon as possible. In the mean time, I'll be thinking of a name for the colt." 

He nodded his head, "Yes, sir!" 

I walked back to the golf cart, and Daniel drove me back to my house or as I like to call it, my castle. When I walked into my house I saw my two beautiful children watching a movie in the Great Room.

"Wow, you two are up early!" I say whipping my slippers off on a small rug at the door. 

"All the commotion awoke us papa. Soooo Miss Alexandra said we could watch a movie down here." My five-year-old-daughter Amelia says rubbing her eyes. Her twin brother, Peter, lay cuddled up next to her. 

'Well, I'm sorry. Now, what are you two watching?" I say taking a seat next to them.

"'How to Train Your Dragon 2!"' Peter almost screams. 


"IT'S TOOTHLESS!" Amelia screams when a bright blue flash turns into flame. At the time you had no idea who or what started the flame. 

"Who and what is toothless?" I say very confused.

"He is a Night Fury! The most dangerous dragon of them all! Not a single Night Fury has been caught or killed until Hiccup catches Toothless. They are dark black. Just watch the movie, Father!" Amelia says with a sassy attitude. 

"Okay, okay."

We finished the movie, and I very much liked the Night Fury. On my way to get ready for the day I quietly whisper to myself, "Night Fury, I need to remember that." 

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