Chapter 9|Unstable|

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(Refer to @blinkers_on 's book "Playing A Kings Game Chapter 12 to get more on fight)

When we got to the stable you could hear the snorting and neighing of the two colts. 

"They got into a fight. Got Gold has a horrid cut down his back right leg. It looks bad, but it's not deep. The vet is on her way." Jaylee says. She was red from anger.

"What are you doing here?" I say.

"Well, these two stupid immature colts almost got my filly injured."

"She wasn't involved."

"She heard them and flipped."

"Oh, well, thank you. I can handle it from here."

"Are you sure?" She snaps.

"Yes, Miss. Now, please return to your filly."

She rolls her eyes and walks away. 

I was so frustrated and stressed.

Fury had many bite marks and a small gash on his right left shoulder. 

When the Grace arrived, she bandaged up Mud Pie's scrape. In the process, Mud pie turned his head and bit Grace. He was extremely ill-tempered. Then she tended to Fury's gash.

Unlike Mud Pie, Fury knew Grace was helping, and Fury wasn't as ill-tempered as Mud Pie was. 

As Grace worked on his gash I walked over to Jerome, "What happened?" I say firmly.

"Well, I was walking Mud Pie back to his stall, and John was walking Fury back to his. When Mud Pie saw Fury he took the lead from me and attacked Fury. Fury just defended himself." He says in a cowering voice.

We got everything back to normal, for the most part, around 1:00 pm. 

I felt bad for Jaylee and her filly; therefore I decided to go apologize. 

knock knock

Jaylee opens the door, "What do you want?" She says sounding aggitated. 

"I wanted to say sorry for the chaos and trouble earlier today." 

"Ok, I forgive you." She says in the most monotone voice. 

I knew she hated me; therefore, I just turn around and walk away. I hear her slam the door behind me, and I flinch.

When I get back to the barn, everyone had gotten back to task. Tomorrow was the day we would leave for Churchill. 

I checked on the two colts again. Fury was at one end of the barn, and Mud Pie was at the other end. They were no longer able to be within 50 feet of each other. I had to big prospects that we couldn't afford to have them injured. 

The Next Day

I said my good byes to my family. They would arrive in Kentucky the day before the Derby. 

My plane departs at 9:30 am. Fury and Mud Pie's plan departs at 9:45 am. 

I check my watch. It read "9:23am". They would start boarding any moment. Five minutes later, boarding began.

Like always, I slept the whole way to Kentucky. 

We arrived in Kentucky about 20 minutes before Fury and Mud Pie's plane was expected to arrive. 

Their plane arrived at 4:30. When they landed, we transferred them to a trailer. 

When we got to Churchill, journalist and paparazzi surrounded the trailer and got as close to the trailer as security would allow. 

Fury and Mud Pie were the first horses to be arriving. 

Tomorrow, King Alexander would arrive, and Cam would arrive in 3 days. He needed to go home and see his parents before he came here. Until he arrived Jerome was to work Fury and Mud Pie once. The rest of the time the colts were to be settling in. We didn't want to stress them out.

These next few weeks were going to be chaotic.

*  *  *

Sorry for such short chapters. They'll get longer the next chapter. ;) 

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