Chapter Three

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**Hailey's P.O.V.**

"Remind me why we just drove the van away from the boys Harry?" I giggled. "Just playing a prank love!" Harry revealed. I couldn't help but blush a bit... I loved it when people called me 'love'. "So... do you mind telling me how I ended up in the back seat of a black van please?" I asked very curiously, since my mind went completely blank when I try to recall what happened after the fangirling incident.

"Alright babe. Well me and the boys just got back from New York. We were about to leave when we saw a stunning girl laying on the ground fainted." Ugh great he has a girlfriend! I thought, but then immediately regretting it. I can't be crushing on this boy already. He's never going to like me back- "That's how she turned out in our van." As soon as he stated that, my stomach was doing backflips. If there was such thing as the Happiest Person Alive Awards, I would definitely be nominated and end up winning. I think I'm falling for him. Falling real hard. "W-what's that love?" Harry stuttered, and when I looked over he was blushing. Oh my God! Did I just say that out loud?! I started blushing furiously too. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening! I've probably never witnessed a more awkward situation in my entire life! "Umm I said I fell before...?" I attempted, but it turned out sounding like a question more than en excuse. And yes, if you're wondering, my acting skills are THAT impressive. Harry just sat there smirking. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Well were you heading anywhere? I mean you did arrive at the airport before..." Harry asked trying to change the subject. I could tell he really wanted me to leave. I'm right; he's never going to like me back. I mean, there's nothing to like... "Alright! Thank you so much. I think the address is 3424 Ridge Avenue-" "Are you serious?" Harry interrupted, why was he so interested on my address? "Yes? I just moved back here from California."

**Harry's P.O.V.**

"Cool." I said trying to hide my excitement. My day couldn't get any better. The girl of my dreams just told me she lived in the same flat I lived in. And she said she was falling for me? Was I dreaming? Whenever I loved somebody they usually NEVER like me back. Except that time in 9th grade, but she moved one month after we got together because her parents divorced. All I can remember is that I cried for months and months after that. "Can we stop at this gas station a second please? I really need to use the restroom." The girl stated. "Of course love! Wait... I still don't know your name yet..." Harry awkwardly stated. "Oh my gosh, how could I forget? I'm so sorry! My name is Hailey Parker. Nice to meet you." She said then shook my hand jokingly. Why did her name sound so familiar? "I'll be right back!" Hailey added then started running to the loo. "Wait Hailey! You forgot your purse-" I started but then stopped because it was useless, she can't hear me. I may have a bit of fun with this though. I quickly looked for Hailey's phone in her purse. I found it and sent myself her phone number then deleted the text. Score! I got her phone number without looking like a creeper.

I climbed out of the car to buy some sour gummy worms; I was really craving some right now. I walked two steps and then I heard some flashing going on behind me. Darn it! How do the paps know where you are every single minute of the day? With that I started jogging to the girls bathroom, I wouldn't want to leave her alone in the loo of a gas station. I opened the door and saw there was only one stall closed. "Hailey!" I shouted. "The paps are here, we have to hide..." "There isn't anywhere to hide though! The bathroom stalls are so tiny..." Hailey spoke softly before opening the door and staring in my eyes while they lit up. "No, no, no, no! There's no way we're both going to fit in-" "Too late!" I argued cheekily while winking.

I gently picked her up and placed her on the side of the stall where they couldn't see our shoes. The only way for me to fit was too stand right in front of her, our bodies touching. Weirdly, I was really enjoying this. I heard the door open then saw Hailey shiver. I slowly took my Jack Wills sweatshirt off and slid it on her head. As my hand touched hers, sparks filled my whole body. I could tell she felt it too because goose bumps were forming on her arms. Or maybe it was just how cold it was in here? She was still shivering though so I slithered my arms around her waist and rubbed her back soothingly. At first she seemed tensed up, but she immediately relaxed and laid her head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you..." Hailey whispered. "You're welcome, love." I whispered back after kissing her soft cheek. This moment was the definition of perfect, apart from the fact we were cuddled... in a bathroom stall.

---------- Author's Note --------

hiiii! this chapter is really long... I checked and it's like 888 words on Word haha! could anyone PLEASEEE comment if they're actually reading this story? or if my writing is terrible? I'm sorry it's too boring. so far, these couple of chapters are just fillers.

Xxxxxxxx Bea

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