Chapter 5

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Izuku paced in his room, tears brimming his eyes as he chewed on his nails tirelessly.

"What are you going to tell him," Uraraka asked softly, watching him from the edge of his bed.

The greenette paused, shoulders tensing more if at all possible. "I won't. I'll just run away. He won't ever have to know!"

"But it's his pup, too..."

Izuku bit his lip, looking down. "Right... You're right..." He sighed and visibly drooped. He slowly shuffled to his bed and sat beside her. "I don't know what to do... What to say... He'll be so angry..."

The brunette twitched. "Why should he be angry? It's his fault you're pregnant," she sneered.

"Have you met Kacchan? Everything makes him angry," the Omega muttered, twiddling his thumbs and looking down into his lap.

Uraraka huffed. "And that's how he got you pregnant. He was angry, like always, and took it out on you, like always, during a mini heat." She stood, crossing her arms. "He treats you like dirt, Deku. Why... Why do you keep letting him do this to you..?" Her voice softened towards the end.

Izuku breathed deeply, unable to look at her. "I don't know... We've known each other our whole lives... Grew up together... So when this started happening... It already felt like I'd never get away from him."

The shorter omega pursed her lips. "Do you want to get away..?" Uraraka questioned, moving closer.

"I'm not really sure, Ura..." Tears began building up in his eyes all over again. "Sometimes... Sometimes I do... But other times, I want to stay by his side and support him. I need him just as much as he needs me."

"Needs you? Deku-" she tooks her friend's hands and squeezed, "Deku, he is using you. He's using your body to his satisfaction and got you pregnant without marking you. He 'needs you' to take his stress and anger out on." She sat back down beside him. "You deserve so much better..."

Izuku sighed, leaning on her. "I'm not so sure about that," he muttered, staring forward blankly.


"Hello again, Midoriya," greeted a familiar voice.

Izuku grinned and walked around behind the mare he groomed. "Good morning, Todoroki. How are you?"

The prince smiled and pressed his nose to Izuku's cheek in greeting, taking his hand. Both purred happily.

"I am well. With the rains moving in, my kingdom is finally able to begin rebuilding," Shoto answered in his usual soft voice, bringing his hand up to brush a stray lock of hair out of Izuku's face.

The greenette blushed softly, meeting those beautiful heterochromatic eyes. "That's good. I'm glad."

Shoto hummed and nodded. "You should visit some time. It's beautiful in the fall."

Izuku grinned and nodded. "I'll have to plan for a visit then."

"I can be your personal guide if you'd like," Shoto offered with a smile.

The greenette giggled softly, then stiffened at Katsuki's sudden, overwhelming scent. Shoto scowled and turned, staying in front of the Omega.

"Todoroki," Katsuki ground out, eyes narrowed. "What are you doing in here, mingling with the servants?"

Izuku flinched, looking down.

The taller Alpha sighed. "I just enjoy Izuku's company, unlike you."

The blond twitched and growled. "He's just a servant. You shouldn't be friends with him. There are plenty of other nobles around for you to talk to," he spoke roughly with a sharp hand gesture.

Tears began to burn Izuku's eyes all over again, subconsciously covering his abdomen.


The Omega looked up and both Prince and King were looking at him, worry apparent in both Alphas.

Distress pheromones. Izuku was releasing distress pheromones.

His head started to spin and stomach twisted. "E-excuse me," he stuttered and pivoted. He rushed out the other end of the stables and as far as he could get before doubling over and hurling in the grass.

He whimpered softly and dropped to his knees.

It's too much... Too much...



Both worried Alpha's rushed over, quickly skidding to a halt as a blue haired Beta stepped in front of them.

Katsuki sneered. "Iida... Get out of my way."

Iida crossed his arms and raised his hand. "I'm afraid I cannot, my Lord. Izuku is clearly in distress. Two Alphas will only make him worse," he stated calmly, maintaining eye contact with his king.

Shoto breathed deeply and nodded, stepping back. "Of course. You are right. I should not have rushed in like I did."

The blond twitched and growled deeply. "Fine... Get him to recovery girl and update me," he ordered and stalked away angrily.

Iida sighed and turned to Izuku. He knelt down, rubbing the Omega's back. "Are you okay..? Do you want Recovery girl or do you want to go to your room," he asked softly, helping Izuku to his feet.

"My room... I already know what she'll say."

The Beta nodded, walking slowly along side him. "You should tell the king soon, Izuku."

Izuku breathed deeply. "Yeah... I know..."


831 words

My word count is becoming inconsistent.

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