Ch. 1 The Last Fallen Angel

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   Darkness, pain, and a ferocious cold overtook the small frame lying motionless in the snow. She was alone and graceless with no way to protect herself. She had no need for sleep, yet she grew tired and figured that she would die in agony alone. Her wings burned, but not even the snow beneath her would ease the pain. Her nearly black eyes began to droop and soon after, she was unconscious.

    Sometime later, she awoke with a gentle pat on the cheek. Slowly her eyes opened and met a familiar pair of concerned, cerulean blue eyes, Castiel. He was talking, that much she knew, but she could not comprehend a word he said. He ran a hand across her cheek yet she showed no reaction, just looked into his worried eyes. Next thing she knew, she was off the ground and in Castiel's arms being carried towards a black car.

    Every step Castiel took sent agonizing sparks through her back and into her wings. Tears streamed down her face as Castiel climbed into the back seat with Anori in his arms. He wiped them away with his thumb and ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm her down. The car, driven by a short dark blond haired man, hit a bump and Anori cried out; it was the first noise she had made since being found by Castiel and his friends. Castiel hugged her close to his chest and stroked her hair reassuringly. "All is okay, Anori." He whispered, even though she still had not heard him, the pain was just too unbearable.

    "M-my w-wings," she stuttered, "Wings. Burn."

    The man in the passenger seat turned around to face the two of them. "Did she just fall now?" Castiel nodded, "Do you have any idea what happened? All of the other angels fell years ago. Why is she different?"

    "Ever since Lucifer fell, we believed her to be dead." He replied softly. "I do not know why she has only just fallen now, but whatever is wrong with her wings needs to be fixed soon, she's in so much pain, Sam." He nodded and turned to Dean, demanding that his brother drive faster. Castiel continued to stroke her hair, whispering to her that he was sorry for her pain and that he wished he could immediately take her pain away, but he was graceless. Little did any of them know that she was just as graceless as Castiel.



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