Chapter 1 xx

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"Will you get that, babe?" I asked Harry.

"Sure thing, Love" he replied getting the door. "Hey, El"

"Oh. Is it 2:00 already?" I asked standing up. "Darcy! Come see Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Louis!" I yelled to our 3 year old.

"Uncle Lou!!!" She yelled running down the stairs and straight into Lou's arms.

"Careful of Lacey" Lou said setting down his 5 year old.

"Hey, Lou." I said hugging my older brother.

"Hey, Izzy" he said. I picked up Paige and carried the 4 year old over to the living area.

"So. Is everyone else coming over soon?" Eleanor asked.

"Ya. They ALL are" Harry said.

"What was the news you needed to tell us all anyways?" Lou asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see" I answered.

"We'll then" Louis said childishly.


"I got it" I said. "Hey" I greeted Liam and Abby W at the door.

"Hey." They replied hugging me. "Let me see little Lucy" I said grabbing the 2 year old out of Liam's hands.

"Hey guy" El and Lou got up to greet them.

"I'll make some tea" Harry said running into the kitchen.

"I get Yorkshire Tea!" Louis yelled after Harry. We all laughed but Lou.

The bell rang again.

"Come in!" I yelled not wanting to get up. In the door walked another family.

"Hey, Meghan" I greeted Tristan and Meghan.

"Help" Tristan said. I grabbed Rosie out of his hands. He was carrying Rosie and Sophia. Meghan was carrying Grace and their baby bag.

"Come on in" I told them. I gave Eleanor Rosie and walked intro the kitchen.

"We're gonna need some more tea" I told Harry.

"I figured" he said as he set out a bunch if cups for everyone and poured tea into all of them but one. He poured Yorkshire tea into that one. I helped Harry carry the tea into the living area.

"Hey, Niall" I saw Cassie and Niall sitting on the floor with the twins. "Hi, Emma. Hi, Dylan" I said to them making Emma smile. You guys are probably wondering why Cassie is with Niall instead of Gracie. Well, Niall was at the mall one day and he bumped into Cassie. Well they got to talking and Niall found out that he still loved her. So now they have twin 6 month olds. They are engaged to be married in 7 months.

"Abby and Josh are on their way over" Cassie told me.

"So are Zayn and Macabee" Eleanor told me.

"OK great" I said. "Darcy! Bring your cousins downstairs!" Harry yelled to Darcy.

"OK Daddy!" She yelled back. Then we heard footsteps and all the children were downstairs.

Right as the kids sat down, the doorbell rang and in walked Zayn and Macabee and Abby and Josh.

"Hey guys" we all said as they set their baby bags down and sat down in the living area.

"So what was the big news you needed to tell us?" Louis asked excitedly.

"You want to tell them?" I asked Harry.

"No. You can" he said.

"Someone tell us already" Zayn said.

"Well... I'm pregnant" I said to them.

"Congratulations" they all hugged us.

A/N: hopefully this was a longish 1st chapter. Hope you all will like this story.


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