Chapter 10 xx

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"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouted. The I saw the most unwxpected person in the world....

end racap

"HAZZA" I yelled running over to Harry. He engulfed me in a hug. When he let go, he kissed me.

I smiled up at him then realized we weren't alone. I looked up at everyone. Everyone was there:



Abby P

Abby D




My mum

The twins

lottie and Fizzy










Rosie, Sophie, and Grace

Riley, Kyle and Matt

Paige and Lacey

Emma and Dylan


They all encompassed me in a hug.

"Thank you guys so much" I said smiling at everyone. I hugged my brother considering I hadn't seen him in forever.

"Cake time" Cassie said as El came in with a cake. It was a simple cake, chocolate cake, vanilla frosting, and white chocolate drizzles everywhere. In purple letters, happy birthday Izzy.

Everyone sang happy birthday then we had cake then everyone had to go home. I thanked Eleanor one last time then got into my car with Harry and Darcy. It was a short drive home.

I carried Darcy upstairs then changed her into her pajamas. I laid her down then went to my room. I walke in and saw Harry unpacking his bags.

"How long are you staying?" I asked him.

"I'm not going anywhere until that baby is 6 months old" he said hugging me from behind. I leaned my head in his chest and smiled.

"We have an ultra sound tomorrow" I warned him.

"OK. ill get Liam to watch Darcy." He said.

I changed into my pajamas then walked downstairs with Harry. We threw on a movie and decided to watch What to expect When you're Expecting. I fell asleep by the time it was over.


The next morning

"Time to get up, babe" Harry said shaking me awake.

"We have to go to an ultrasound" I said grumpily.

"Then lets get ready" Harry said helping me up.

I quickly changed into sweatpants and a tshirt.

Harry and I got in the car and drove to the doctors.

"Let's get you set up" the nurse told us leading us into a room.

The nurse lifted up my shirt and squeezed cold gel onto my tummy.

"OK. Very strong heartbeat. Would you like to know gender?" The nurse asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"You are having..."

A/N: cliff-hanger!! Sorry it's short. Also, go check out my other new story called DayDreams. Thanks


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