Layla Renae

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I pulled up to the apartment and tilted my head when I noticed the dark window that was always lit while we were home, telling me that the girls were still out, with a probably very fussy Charlotte.

My bones felt like jello following my screaming match with Eva's mother, and I was ready for a night cuddling my baby until my heart felt full again, so I needed them to get home with her soon.

The rain was still pounding like a set of hammers on my windshield, making me fumble mindlessly in the backseat for an umbrella that had most likely rolled under the seat.

I could feel a vibration coming from my lap where my phone was perched, an unknown number flashing on the screen, making me roll my eyes at the thought of my gym calling me one more time to see if I wanted to renew my membership that I had froze when I fell too pregnant to do anything more than walk up our flight of stairs.

I grumbled and tossed my phone into my purse, not wanting to have to purchase water damage insurance again.

My hand finally fell on the umbrella hook and I sighed in relief, yanking my keys out of the ignition as I popped the umbrella open. My black heels miraculously kept my feet dry as I trudged through the flooding rain, my purse now vibrating angrily, telling me to answer it.

I hopped onto the curb and fished it out of my bag, sliding it open to answer Eva's call.

"Hi." I muttered, hoisting the strap back onto my shoulder, the other line loud with other voices, catching my attention as none of them were familiar.

"Esme." Eva began, her voice grave and full of panic and grief, immediately causing my blood pressure to spike.

"Eva what is it." I demanded, my blood running cold as her breath hitched on the other line, causing my panic to triple.

"Esme, there was an accident." She revealed, the words causing my stomach to plummet down to the depths of hell. A loud commotion caused the line to blur and begin to chop up.

"We're going to University Hospital." She shouted, the line immediately getting cut, causing my knees to tremble but immediately whisk my body over to the car and speed off towards the hospital.


My legs were sprinting faster then they had ever gone as I raced into the trauma ward of the hospital, demanding that anyone tell me where my baby was, and how bad her injuries were.

My mind couldn't find the means to pray, just determination driving me down the halls until a set of hands stopped me in my tracks.


"Where is my baby?!" I demanded, fighting to get out of his firm hold, my eyes manic as they scanned the waiting room for any sign of my child.

"Esme..." he began, but I just gave another crass attempt at getting out of his grip. "God dammit where is she! Where is my baby!" I screamed, strangers looking on sympathetically, but I had no intention of calming down.

"You bastard- tell me!" I demanded, making him nod and pin my arms at my sides, immediately cupping my face. "Esme, they're back in triage." He insisted, dragging me until my legs took up some traction to follow his trail.

He lead me down a fluorescent hall where the tired wails of my daughter began to direct me. I could feel my lungs nearly burst as I pulled the curtain back to reveal Eva on a table with the back propped up for her to lay on, Charlotte softly whimpering in her lap.

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