A slvyeon was breathing heavily and a unbreon was circling around her with a worried face, then the slvyeon asked, "Nivl. Take care, take care of him." Nivl nodded then asked, "Will you live, Siren?" Siren sighed, "I'm sorry, no." Siren stopped breathing then Nivl Yowled, "SSSSSSIIIIIIIRRRRRRREEEEEENNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nivl stuffed his face into Siren then an egg came out, Nivl stared at the egg, the egg started to hatch, Nivl panicked he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the egg, then a Eevee popped out a head, then a arm then the rest of the body, he jumped onto Siren and started to nibble Siren, "Bad Eevee!" Nivl grabbed the Eevee then said, "I think I'll name you Bloodfrost." Bloodfrost sneezed, Nivl dropped Bloodfrost and carried Siren to the front yard and buried her, then went back inside, Bloodfrost wanted to play but Nivl would growl, scratch, or give him a scar, it effected Bloodfrost's life, and ego. He was mean, rude, and violent, when he saved a Eevee from a tree falling on it, they both envoled and the Eevee said her name was Sliver, Bloodfrost didn't care, he said ok, and said he was Bloodfrost then he left to go school, and every Eevee was happy for him, but wasn't
Frightening up
Action"Thanks a bunch to @pikagirl1527 making Dark heart! If you didn't I wouldn't loved it more than Only mine! It was my first book I read! THANKS A BUNCH!" -The_Fierce_Sisters Bloodfrost is the grimmest Pokémon in Eeveetown but all the Eevees are scar...