Chapter 2~Why did you do this?

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Preeta's POV

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Preeta's POV

"Where are you Karan!? You promised me that you will not let this marriage happen! Then where are you? You forgot all your promises? You forgot me? I am not wrong karan! I never did anything to your dad! Why are you so upset with me? Your dad is just like my dad to me! I can't even think of hurting him. Please come Karan! Please! If you don't come then I will get married! I will lose you forever" I say to myself as tears stream down my eyes

I see maa entering, I suddenly wipe my tears

"Why are you crying beta? What happened?"

"Nothing maa! I will miss all of you!". I hug her tightly

"Karan please come! Please! I request you! Give me a chance to explain!" I say in my mind as I hug her!

"You look really beautiful beta! Always stay happy and blessed beta!" She says

I smile and she leaves

Karan's POV

I will not let you marry Prithvi! I am coming Preeta! You have to marry me! No matter what happens

I drive to kumkum bhagya hall and enter the groom's room, and once Prithvi comes out of the washroom, I keep a cloth on his mouth and he faints.

I then tie his hands and legs and hide him inside a cupboard! I call Sameer.

Karan- Sameer come to kumkum bhagya hall fast! And don't inform anyone! And while coming, I will send you a pic of sherwani get that! Fast!!

Sameer- what? Why are you there?

Karan- just do as I say! Come fast! In ten minutes I want you here!

I say and hang up the call. I click Prithvi's sherwani pic and send it to Sameer! In some time Sameer came with the sherwani, I change into sherwani and wear the sehra to cover my face

"Sameer go and call Srishti, and jhanki aunty! Fast!"

"Okay I am coming"

He calls both of them

"Srishti, jhanki aunty, I am Karan!" I say moving the sehra

"Karan sir? You in sherwani?" Srishti asks.

"Yes!! I am going to marry Preeta! Prithvi is inside this cupboard, now both of you listen...."

"What? I am so happy Karan beta! Thank god you came!"

"First listen, go and tell outside that prithvi has maun vrat and he can't speak till the wedding is over! And some priest said him to do so, and he can't move his sehra also! After the wedding I will tell everyone that it is Karan! And not Prithvi!"

They both excitedly go and say as I told them to!

Finally it's the time for me to go and get married, I go and sit in the mandap and they get preeta!

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