The Change

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- 5 Months Later -
(Jay's POV)

"How has Miry been doing?" Blake asks me as he sits down on my bed and hands me my cup of coffee

"You came to the wrong person man."

"You still haven't contacted her? It's been five months Jayson."

"You don't understand."

"What don't I understand?! All I've done is been understanding! Miry is still in a coma probably, and all you've done is been with other girls!"

"A girl." I mutter, "I've been with a girl."

"A girl that isn't Miry." he says getting up, "A girl that isn't the one you love, who you're only with to forget her."

"That's not true!!" I yell throwing the cup on the floor, making hot coffee splash everywhere. "That's not fucking true.... she's the one that forgot me.."

"How would you know if you haven't contacted her?! Just because King said so? You're clueless, she loves you, she misses you... and she's awake." he says leaving

"Blake!" I yell grabbing his arm, "What did you just say?"

"She's awake. Rick called me, and she knows you're dating someone, she knows, and she thinks you forgot her." he cries, "All she's done is cry since she's woken up. Rick says he hasn't seen her smile since he first saw her."

"You're lying." I whisper, "You're only saying this so I will call Rick and ask."

"Think whatever you want man, but yeah I'm crying because I'm lying to you, right. I'm crying because my best friend, your lover, is suffering because of you. She hasn't been happy, and neither have you Jayson." he pushes me off and leaves.

"It's not my problem." I mutter walking back to my room, "She's not my problem anymore.. Hello?"


"Hi Holland, what's up?"

"I was thinking, and we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Jayson, I think I might be pregnant."

- Miry's POV -

"Hey sleepy head."

"Hey King" I whisper as he kisses my forehead

"How are you feeling today?"

"Like always" I shrug, "What did you get me today?"

"Who said I got you anything?" he laughs

I shrug and sit up.

"I'm joking." he coughs, "I got you this book called "The Cellar" it says it's from wattpad, so I thought you might want the real thing. You once talked about publishing your own book and stuff, so, yeah."

"Wow, thanks a lot. I can't believe you remembered that..." I smile


"What?" I look up confused

"Don't fake it, please. If you're not happy then don't lie to me."

"King." I whisper, "It's been what? Five days since I woke up? And it's been five months since I came to a coma, and now you want me to be real with you?"

"Forget it." he snaps back

"No I won't! What do you want from me? What do all of you want from me!? You want me to be happy?? You want me to actually smile after I've been in this same fucking bed for five fucking months! You want me to be happy when the guy I love is out there with some other girl doing God knows what?!" I cry, "What do all of you fucking want from me?!"

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