Chapter 12 part 2

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 Rin and Yukio and sent on a high-class mission and Rin is almost attacked but Yukio steps in front of him causing the sword-like tentacles to go through Yukio and Rin's protective brotherly instincts come back and he attacks the demon raging and then starts to cry over Yukio as he calls for a doctor. Rin puts fire over the wounds to stop the bleeding. Doctors come after Yukio passes out and take him to the hospital where he is put in an induced coma to help heal.

(Third person view)

Yukio stood smiling painfully at his brother but his smile broke as he coughed up blood and the tentacle removed itself from Yukio's stomach. The hole went right through his intestines, a vital organ. Rin stood looking over his brother who lay on the ground. Rin stared shocked and horrified. All noise became muted in Rin's ears as thoughts raced through his head until all thoughts vanished and he looked up the demon. 

"You..." Rin looked up completely emotionless other than his wide eyes. "You hurt my brother..." "Yeah, so what?" The demon replied mockingly. Rin gritted his teeth and became angry. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BROTHER!!!" Rin yelled as he jumped up and attacked the demon full force with his flames and all. Within the space of two minutes, Rin had defeated the demon and quickly sheathed his sword and depleted his flames and ran over to his brother. 

"Yukio, please!" Rin cried as Yukio was bleeding out, the other exorcists had already called for an ambulance to come to collect Yukio to the True Cross hospital. "Yukio, please! Stay with!" Rin's loud voice croaking from the tears. He lit his hand on fire and put it on the wound try stop the bleeding and it worked. Rin had worked out he could do this when he sustained an injury that was taking a while to heal as he was also trying to fight so he tried it and it worked.

"Yukio!!!" Rin screamed as Yukio slowly closed his eyes. "Yukio! Stay with me please!" Rin screamed as he cradled his brother as he mourned what he thought was the death of his brother. "Sir, please e need to take him to hospital." Rin let go of Yukio not entirely knowing what he was doing, he just knew he was upset, shocked, and way too emotional. He sat rocking himself as he cried. One of the exorcists came over and picked him up and let Rin lean on him as they walked and he cried. 

At the hospital

"We need a surgery room!" A nurse shouted as she came through the emergency entrance with Yukio on a bed. He was passed out but eas kept alive. Nurses came rushing and got everything ready to secure the life of Yukio Okumura and to ready his surgery. 

Hours later

(Rin pov)

I've been waiting in the hospital for hours now, Bon and Izumo came to the hospital to see how I was doing a few hours ago and they kept me company for around half an hour before they had to leave. I sat in my chair slumping with puffy red eyes trying to take my mind off the situation but nothing worked. 

"Are you Yukio Okumura's brother?" I looked at the nurse fast enough that it would cause whiplash if I wasn't so fast at heeling. "Yes!" I say standing up hoping he's alright. "The surgery went well but he's in an induced coma." The nurse tells me and I sigh in relief and I jerk my head up quickly and ask if I can see him and she soon leads me to his room. 

Yukio lay on the hospital bed with a breathing mask on, tubes, wires, and a massive bandaged over his abdomen. I sighed in relief but still let some tears drop at the sight of my brother in such a situation. I sat down in one of the chairs by his bed. "I'm sorry..." I say as I clasp my hands and lay my forehead on them. "I was so caught up in my fear I was blind to what's was going on around me. Guess we're even now." I say the last part with a small laugh and a sad smile. 

"Why of course you're even now, that was the whole point of putting you two together!~!

"Why of course you're even now, that was the whole point of putting you two together!~!

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