Chapter 2

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Stiles came down for breakfast with fresh bags under his eye and a glum look. Sleep had evaided him once again, as it does many nights. He sat on a stool, in between Dimitri and Cara who was in a high chair. He was hunched over slightly and clutching his stomach. Talia looked up from the scrambled eggs she was cooking and quickly rushed over. Placing one hand on his forehead and the other on his shoulder.

"Are you alright Stiles?"

"Yeah, just a bit of a stomach ache." Talia tried to ease some of his pain but frowned, it wouldn't work, that had never happened before. She dropped her hands and kissed the boys forehead, going back to her eggs.

Stiles felt odd as the Hale family bustled around the kitchen. It was like he was there but not really, like he was a ghost. Except he was there because he could feel Cora's glare burning into his skull.

He sighed rubbing his head and fetching his phone from his pocket.

- Two new text messages from: Tata (Dad) and Scotty boi-

Tata (Dad)
Dzień dobry dzieciaku! Wszystko jest w porządku, po prostu osiedlam się w hotelu. Zadzwoń, gdy to zobaczysz. (Morning kiddo! All is good here, I'm just settling into the hotel. Call me once you see this.)
Sent 3:17am

He left that one for a moment, decided to call after he texted Scott back.

Scotty boi
Hey dude, just checking to make sure Cora hasn't mauled you yet

Not yet but if I die you know who did it

Scotty boi
I'll throw you an awesome funeral don't worry
We still up for bowling today?

Yeah yeah of course
So you can spy on your little cruuuussshhhh

Scotty boi
I do not have a crush!

Whatever you say Scotty

Scotty boi
I don't!!
Seen 9:46 am

"Why?" Stiles turned to Dimitri and tilted his head. "Why does your stomach hurt?" The little boy backed up his previous question.

"It's because of my anxiety."

"What's that?" David looked up from the paper he was reading at the table about to tell his boy to stop bugging Stiles but Stiles beat him to it.

"Anxiety is when my brain freaks out. You know when someone's in danger, they either run away of they stay and fight?" The boy nodded so he continued. "It's the brains reaction to keeping you safe. My brain overreacts sometimes, it thinks we're in danger when we're not and it gives me stuff like tummy aches."

"So, your brain is trying to protect you because it thinks you're in danger?"

"Mmhmm." The little boy looked as if he was pondering the meaning of life as he went back to munching on his cereal.

The Hale's present were surprised with how sweet Stiles was about explaining his anxiety to the young boy. Talia warned them all that his anxiety was a big issue and said that he probably wouldn't want to talk about it.

"I'm just going to call my dad." Talia nodded as Stiles stood and exited through the front door.

"Stilinski seems depressed." Derek noted from next to his father, sipping on his coffee as he waited for his father to finish with the newspaper.

"He's very close with his father, it's hard for both of them to be apart." David responded, shooting Cora a menacing glare as she grumbled. "He is welcome here, it's my decision not yours so if I hear another spiteful comment directed towards Stiles you will be grounded for the rest of the summer!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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