Chapter 1

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"Here we are kiddo. Be on your best behaviour." Stiles chuckled, shooting a sly grin to his father.

"I always am." Noah smiled, ruffling his sons hair. The pair exited Noah's cruiser, Noah collecting Stiles' bag from the back seat before knocking on the door of the Hale house.

David Hale opened the door with a warm smile settled on his lips. He was a tall man, very muscled with slicked back, black hair and a goatee on his chin. His green eyes sparkled as he took in his two guests.

"Noah, Stiles, please come in." Noah held Stiles' hand as they walked in behind David, following him into the dining room where Talia was. He placed Stiles' bag down and wrapped Talia in a hug.

"Noah! It's good to see you."

"And you Talia, thank you for looking after Stiles." He pulled away and wrapped his arm around Stiles' shoulders.

"It's our pleasure. You certainly have grown since I last saw you, Stiles." Talia adressed the boy who was lingering awkwardly by his father. He smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah guess I have, it's been a while." The last time he saw Mrs Hale was at his mothers funeral.

This whole situation was incredibly awkward for the poor boy. His father was going to help with a case a few towns over that might be linked to one in Beacon Hills and he didn't want Stiles to stay home alone. So he called up Mr and Mrs Hale, the parents of a girl in Stiles' year. Cora Hale, who happened to hate him. But there was no way out of it, so here he was. Not to mention how anxious he was with his father being so far away.

His dad glanced down to the watch on his wrist and looked back up with a guilty smile.

"I should be going now." 

Stiles turned and caught him by the wrist.

"Czy musisz iść? (Do you have to go?)" He whispered.

"Przykro mi kochanie, będę z powrotem, zanim się zwiesz. (I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll be back before you know it.)" Stiles lunged forward, wrapping his arms tightly around his father's torso, burying his face into his shirt.

"Kocham cię. (I love you.)"

"Też cię kocham, Mieczyslaw. (I love you too, Mieczyslaw.)"

"Bądź bezpieczny, nie rób nic głupiego. (Be safe, don't do anything stupid.)"

"Ja nie. Dobrze się tobą tutaj zaopiekują, wiem o tym. Talia może nawet opowie ci kilka historii o twojej matce. (I won't. They'll take good care of you here, I know it. Talia might even tell you some stories about your mother.)" Noah sighed, running a hand down Stiles' cheek. "I have to go now."

"We'll take good care of him Noah." Talia stated, coming up behind Stiles hand placing her hands on his shoulders.

"I know you will." Stiles waved as he watched his father drive away, nerves pooling in the pit of his stomach.

"Come Stiles, we'll introduce you to the rest of our family."

He followed the two adults into the next room over, the living room. There were multiple couches scattered around the room, all occupied by the remainders of the Hale family. Stiles gulped as all heads turned to look at him.

"Why don't we all introduce ourselves?" Talia suggested, looking to each of her children.

"Alrighty, I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you Stiles." Tyler was pale with black hair and brown eyes, he pushed himself off of his seat and walked over to shake Stiles' hand. A girl also stood, she had light blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, she was also heavily pregnant.

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